Chapter :22

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Just name it

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Just name it. And I'll bring it you." Jackson spoke to Taehyung who was folding IU's clothes as Taehyung was deliberately keeping quiet to avoid him and IU was packing her clothes.

"Oh Come on Belle. What I've to do, to be your friend." Jackson asked getting frustrated with his annoyance.

"You can leave!" IU spoke rather sarcastically, making Taehyung hold in his chuckle as Jackson scoffed at his sister.

"I'm not talking to you, IU!" Jackson dismissed his sister with the shake of his hand in the air. On that IU arched a perfect brow when someone spoke from the door.

"Can I come in?" It was Eunwoo as he walked in casually. "What's happening?" He asked IU in particular as the girl made a duh face.

"Packing my clothes." IU replied simply.

Eunwoo we can bring Xbox in this room and can use it as our gaming hideout after this sister of ours will leave." Jackson spoke rather suggestively as Eunwoo sat beside him on the couch making a face of approval.

IU, having enough of them threw the pillow at them which Jackson dodged easily as he chuckled.

"Don't even think about entering my room. No! Guess what? I'll lock my room and take the keys with me. No! I don't even need to do that as Taehyung will be here to keep my room protected from y'all greedy peeps." IU rambled on.

Taehyung didn't know whether he felt happy or sad at his words because soon after IU's wedding, he'll leave.

Sighing, the boy completed folding the last pair of clothes that IU gave him.

"Is anyone in for a long drive?" Eunwoo asked out making IU and Jackson both scream out a loud yes as Taehyung kept quiet.

And you Taehyung?" Eunwoo asked the boy but before he could refuse IU butts in. "Of course he's coming."

"Then what are we waiting for. Let's go!" Jackson stood up and IU held Tae's hand as they all went out.

Eunwoo took out his car from the garage as they four settled in. The boys in front and the tae and IU at back. Eunwoo was driving the car. "Now where were we, yeah! So what are the requirements in a friend Belle?" Jackson started his quest again making IU to groan out frustrated as Eunwoo was confused. "Belle who?"

"The girl who's sitting beside our scary panda sister." Jackson spoke nonchalantly, making IU angry as red. Tae and Eunwoo chuckled at the words Jackson used for IU.

Before IU could give a comeback, Jackson spoke. "Oh my! Belle just smiled! SUCCESS!" Jackson patted his own shoulder making Eunwoo to stare at him weirdly as Tae's smiled whipped away immediately

Soon they reached the small cozy restaurant and settled down. IU and Tae were sitting at one side whereas Eunwoo and Jackson were sitting at their front.

IU saw a really familiar looking person sitting in the far corner having dinner with a girl.

"Oh God!" IU gasped, making the three of them face her at once. "What?" Jackson asked seriously, seeing her shocked face.

"First of all, don't y'all dare to turn around-'' She didn't even complete her sentence as both Eunwoo and Jackson at once turned around to see what got IU so shocked and both themselves gasped at the site.

"This is pure treasure. I would love to use it in making him my puppet." Jackson exclaimed joyously, earning a smack from Eunwoo.

Tae couldn't keep it in as he held IU's hand under the table and asked. "What is it?" IU with wide calculating eyes and with mischievousness in her voice said. "Joonie bro is having dinner with the girl here and from the looks of it. I can bet she's his girlfriend."

Taehyung gasped out as he held his hand on his mouth and both the boys turned again to face the tae and this time it was Eunwoo who spoke. "What?"

Taehyung didn't say anything as IU said. "I told him what we saw." Both the boys nodded and then smirked, and they both spoke the same words in unison.

"I'm going to catch him!" Both said this.

"Don't!" Taehyung without thinking spoke up. Both the boys stopped as they stared at him. "Would any of you like to be a waiter?" he asked softly.

Namjoon noticed as a waiter approached them and spoke. "Would you like to have a shot of tequila, sir?" Both him and the girl chokes on their food. Him because the waiter was none other than Jackson in waiter's clothes and the girl choked because of the tequila offer.

Namjoon's face ashen as he tried to act normal.

"No, we don't need anything." He stared and glared at Jackson as in indicating to get the hell out of here.

"Sir there's a beautiful customer who just left. She is waiting outside and is asking for your number. What should I tell her?" Jackson spoke innocently, making Namjoon's eyes widen in horror as the girl fumed in anger.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Namjoon growled lowly but Jackson was being Jackson.

"Sir what is fuck? Where is fuck? Can you please tell me, how can I get the fuck out of here." He spoke so innocently as he's a child.

Leave man!" Namjoon spoke rather lost in what's happening.

"I am living sir!" Jackson answered simply.

"What the hell is this Namjoon?" The girl screeched on Namjoon.

"Thank you for calling me hot ma'am." Jackson answered to the girl.

Namjoon was rooted to his spot, quiet.

The girl huffed out in anger and in

minutes she left from there fuming.

A loud chortle was heard from behind Namjoon as he fuming turned around to found Eunwoo, IU and Tae laughing at the scenario.

"Y'all are dead." Namjoon spoke as his siblings sat on his table.

"Waiter! Like seriously Jackson!" Namjoon asked, smiling now. Liking the stunt they pulled on him.

"It was his idea and damn it was good." Jackson pointed to Taehyung. "Yeah man!" Eunwoo spiked in.

"You were supposed to be on my side Taehyungie!" Namjoon exasperated as IU asked. "Who was the girl?"

"Do not even think that she's my girlfriend because she was just my friend who wanted to have dinner with me."

"Are we fools?" Jackson asked with a duh face.

"Obviously!" Namjoon stated simply, earning their gasps as he started laughing.


Jungkook has asked for everyone to be in the hall as he wanted to talk about something important because tonight was IU's wedding.

Everybody was seated in the hall. All the family members were there as Jungkook spoke up. "I wanted to give few of my shares to IU but the will of grandpa isn't allowing me to do this until I get married."

Everybody stayed silent as IU spoke up. "Brother I don't need anything more than your love. That's enough for me." She smiled, making Jungkook crack a sincere smile.

"I know kiddo." Jungkook spoke nodding at her.

"Do you have any girl in sight?" Uncle Seo-joon asked, smiling.

Two voices were heard at the same time.



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