Chapter 50

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Why the fuck you killed him?" Jungkook growled at Sehun, who was panting harshly but his eyes twinkled in content.

Sehun's cold eyes met Jungkook's green hawk ones as he stared at him for few seconds. "I lost control over my aggression." Sehun said simply placing his gun at his back, tucking in his pant.

Jungkook's jaw clenched at his words as in no second. He was holding Sehun by his collar, both male, fully built and equally towering heights as they glared at each other.

"I needed fucking answers from this bastard but being a shit head you can't control your aggression!" Jungkook snarled as his eyes roared anger.

Sehun was looking bit calm now as he didn't bother to make Jungkook let go of his collar. "I can't make him alive now, can I?" Sehun spoke nonchalant.

Jungkook really to wanted to smack his head on the wall. "Motherfucker!" Jungkook growled lowly as he let go off Sehun collar.

Sehun smiled, not a happy smile but an evil and satisfying one. Of course, he would smile after he killed one of his enemies.

Next second Jungkook was taken in a brotherly hug by none other than Sehun. Jungkook was shocked for a millisecond, but he to hugged him back.

Sehun parted. "Thanks Jungkook for this!" Sehun spoke sincerely pointing towards the dead Minho.

Sehun then nodded at Namjoon, who nodded back as with one last glance he turned to leave but just stopped at the gate and turned around.

"One more thing. Chanyeol is pretty pissed at you!" Sehun spoke mischievously as he laughed in the end making Jungkook to snicker at him.

"I'm not fucking afraid of Mr. Park!" Jungkook shouted behind Sehun back. "Whatever you say!" Shouted Sehun back and in few minutes they were out of sight.

Now there were only Jungkook and Namjoon along with all the dead bodies.

Namjoon just removed one of the shirt from a dead man as he wore it.

"You are going back now." Jungkook told Namjoon in an orderly manner.

Namjoon's brows scrunched up. "And you?" He asked not understanding why Jungkook won't go with him.

"Thanks to Sehun. I didn't get much information out of Minho. So that's why I'll search this place for something." Jungkook stated simply looking around the destroyed place.

"I will also help you." Stated Namjoon determinedly making Jungkook to smile at his cousin.

I would've appreciated but dude you need a treatment for your wounds as they're getting the worst cause of infection." Jungkook stated as a matter of factly pointing at his body. And Namjoon knew Jungkook is right.

"But-" Namjoon still tried to insist when Jungkook cut him in.

"Go back to mansion. Tell everyone I'm fine and will be there in a day or two. Get your wounds treated. Elaborate the scenario to the boys, specially Jimin and lastly give my Hai to Tae." Jungkook spoke in a monotone voice.

Namjoon smirked at the last line but in his teasing as now is not the time for this.

"What if Minho's men come here?" Namjoon asked seriously knowing very well that as soon as Choi Minho's partners and men get the info regarding an attack here, they'll surely come.

Don't worry, I'll be out of here till midnight. Now leave!" Jungkook stated simply his last words serious leaving no place for interjection.

Namjoon left from there as Jungkook searches the whole place in order to find something, which could tell for whom this Minho is working for but Alas! There was no clue of anything which could lead him to the suspect.

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