Chapter 24

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There are times just like in dreams as in the person is falling from the hill had him jerking in his sleep with pure terror of a fall

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There are times just like in dreams as in the person is falling from the hill had him jerking in his sleep with pure terror of a fall.

Just like that Taehyung shrieked and jumped in his place after hearing the same deep voice that haunted him from last few days.

Gulping he took in a deep breath and shook his head in negative. This must be his imagination.

Hhe was still trying to cover up from the scare he got when he felt rough knuckles caressing his bare tummy.

His eyes widened up in utter horror as he immediately turned around to hide his bare tummy from him. His mind was in frenzy as he didn't hear him moving in the room. The mere fact that he came this close to him, without tae realization had his blood turning cold.

His strong familiar cologne whiffed through his nose as he immediately backed into the dresser feeling his presence extremely close.

Gulping he tried to recall where his things is, so he could cover up himself but nothing was processing in his mind except that, they are alone in this room, he's standing in his personal space, and to top it all, his front was bare.

The boy held his arms on him as in trying to hide himself from him, even tho he's clothed.

Jungkook was speechless, when he entered IU's room. The sight before him was breathtaking.

A gorgeous boy was facing him. The snow-white skin of his upper tummy was bare as he was clad in dark red. Unknowingly Baby bear escaped his lips and the boy tensed.

Slowly without any sound he moved closer to him and on his own his knuckles caressed a mole on his tummy. The boy jerked forward and immediately turned around. His hands shot up to cover himself front and tried to hide back from him but the boy didn't know that he was having a complete view of his beautiful tummy from the mirror.

"I-IU l-isn't here." he mumbled softly, thinking he was here for her. He tried to move from the side but in an instant a large hand clasped on the side of his waist, stopping his movement.

The boy didn't even get the time to react when his hand snaked completely behind him back as he pulled him forward. His hands landed on his chest as he gasped out.

"I'm not here for IU." Was his simple reply as the boy tried to push him away from him with one hand on his bicep and other on his chest, but he won't budge.

Tears started in his eyes in the form of helplessness. "Let m-me g-go!" he spoke trying to move away, but he only gave a harsh jerk to his body making his body jolt.

His other hand's fingers touched the loose honey strands falling on his forehead as his touch moved to his jaw, caressing his neck. The boy turned his face away from him.

"P-please! W-what are you d-doing?" He cried as his thumb caressed his lower lip slightly making his chin to wobble in fear.

"S-stop! Let m-me go or I'll s-scream!" Tae tried to threaten him with wobbly lips and chin, facing him.

An amused smirk formed on his face as he inched a bit closer. "Scream Baby bear!! I know how to shut that pretty mouth of yours with my own. Come on, I'd like to see you try." He applied more pressure on his hold on his slim waist to make the impact of his words clear. His Rose like scent reached his nose as he inhaled deeply.

With wobbly lips and chin and blazing eyes he spoke. "Go shut y-your Tyzu's mouth. Don't you h-have a-any shame!" He whispered angrily as he struggled hard.

His hand daringly moved on his bare skin and slightly inside the dress feeling his soft skin as the boy trembled in his place. "You don't even know, how shameful I am Baby bear!"

He spoke in a raspy weird voice. His hot breath fanned his face as the boy immediately hid his lips in his mouth. His lips landed on his jaw as his jaw roughly caressed tae skin.

He shook his head in negative for him to stop as his breathing became heavy and when he continued to kiss his neck. He placed his palm on Jungook lips to stop him.

"P-please! Let me go!"

He cried out not moving his hand away from his mouth. His calloused hand hold him hand as he gave a deep kiss on tae palm making his eyes go even wider as he immediately snatched his hand from Jungkook.

"Didn't hold you to let you go after!"

He rasped as he closed his buttons with slow pace with his fingers touching his skin making him tremble in his embrace.

"W-What do you want from me?" He spoke angrily as he got out of his hold which he himself loosened a bit.

"Everything!" His deep voice ring in his ears as he moved to the side a step away from him. His word sent chills down his spine.

"No! I don't h-have a-anything to give. Just stop! Stay away from me. Do t-these things t-to your w-wife! Don't ever touch me again!" he spoke in anger and in no seconds he ran back into the closet and lock it

Jungkook stood there staring at the closet door. "Soon Baby bear...soon!" He smirked as he left the room.

Taehyung was panting hard and her tears weren't stopping. He was glad that the makeup artist has applied makeup on his whip scars on his upper back when he has seen it. That makeup artist didn't ask anything as she simply did her work.

This is so wrong! It's enough. Hee will not tolerate this anymore.

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