Chapter 72

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Next morning Taehyung woke up to find a freshly made tea that was placed on the bedside table and the aroma was beautiful. He made it! The side of the bed was untouched which means he luckily slept alone on the bed.

His mind recalled what he witnessed last night and on cue the door to their room opened. His eyes met his green ones and just like yesterday he lowered his eyes. He felt extremely conflicted. This behavior of his felt unsettling for him.

He expected Jungkook to confront him. Ask for forgiveness or talk to him, console him or anything, after all he remembers everything now but his behavior was unnerving for him.

He came to his side, and Tae thought he'll help him up, but he only forwarded an adjustable walking cane

Taehyung stared at it for a good minute and then took it from his hand. "Freshen up, have your tea, I'll bring your breakfast here." He told him in an emotionless voice as he left from there without even a single glance at his way.

Taehyung gulped, he didn't want his mind to go havoc by thinking about his doings. He shouldn't bother about it. He slowly stood up with the help of his walking cane and walked to the restroom. Walking stick really helped him tho. He freshened up, changed his clothes and sat on the bed, drinking that tea and man it was delicious. He doubts that he made it. And what got his more conscious was that only old Jungkook remembers that he likes tea.

Tae was so engrossed in enjoying the tea that he didn't realise him entering the room. When he placed the breakfast dish on the small table at the side and brought it in front of him, he realized his presence.

His eyes softly lifted to look at his face and yet again he found his eyes not on him but the task at hand. He looked away when he spoke up. "Finish it and then eat your medicine." He told him in that same emotionless voice.

Why he's doing this?

"I'm going out for some work, will be back by the evening. Here," he forwarded a phone to him which he took silently. "Call me if you need anything and don't get out of this room." His voice detached yet his words felt concerned as he didn't look at him and left the room, just like that.

Taehyung stared at the phone for the longest of the times and then his eyes looked at food in front of him. Pancakes with chocolate syrup. He didn't felt like eating but chocolate called out to him, and he started eating small bites, so he could eat medicine afterwards.

Taehyung was just laying at bed, looking at the ceiling when his phone started ringing. Startled he looked at the caller ID to find IU's name flashing on it. A smile appeared on his face as he immediately answered the call.

"It's been ages. Where the fuck were you?" IU asked dramatically making Taehyung to gasp at her cursing.

"Language IU!" Taehyung warned sternly earning a scoff from the other side.

"Yeah whatever!" IU huffed. "You didn't bother to remember but thanks to kook hyung, who gave me your number this morning and asked me to call you in the afternoon." IU told him sternly.

Taehyung was quiet. He asked IU to call him. He didn't want him to get bored! How thoughtful of him, but he'll melt? NO!

"You know it was me who ordered him to ask you to call me, so don't flatter about your hyung much!" Taehyung mumbled a lie smoothly while smiling like an idiot.

"You could've called me directly instead of disturbing my Hyung." IU spoke bored.

"It's called attitude darling!" Taehyung replied and after a two seconds pause, both burst out into laughter.

"I wanna tell you something." IU spoke enthusiastically making Taehyung to smile at his friend. "Enlighten me." Taehyung mused.

"I'm pregnant!" IU squealed making Taehyung to gasp and next thing Taehyung screamed loudly. "OOO MMM GGG!" His face broke into a large grin with happiness when the door to his room burst opened and in came panting Jhope with a gun in his hand.

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