Chapter 7

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What if he had his sight? What if his parents weren't dead? What ifs are so many that the boy couldn't help but felt despair

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What if he had his sight? What if his parents weren't dead? What ifs are so many that the boy couldn't help but felt despair.

He could've been marrying a normal guy and had a normal life with normal friends. But here he is forced to marry a man of his father's age.

The boy knows very well. But if he comes to think about the ones who can't speak, who can't walk, who can't hear or the ones with out hands or leg and many with life threatening disease. He is far more blessed than all in many ways.

Shaking his head the boy asked forgiveness for complaining to his lord about his hardships. Mumbling sorry to himself in his heart as he often converse with himself in loneliness.

He's even thinking for touching a man unintentionally. Even now thinking about that scenario send chills down his spine. He only wondered one thing how in the world that man's flesh was so hard. In his whole life he was only accustomed to the presence of his father in male and his father was normal like him. He remembered hugging his father and his father was like human not like that wall of a man.

Small whispers were coming from the small lounge indicating Aunty is talking to someone on phone or probably someone has came to visit.

The boy could only understand 'Alright we'll do it today.' Before the door to his room was slammed open.

The boy flinched back knowing very well it's his aunty. Nora harshly placed the phone on boy's ear as he hissed at the boy's face.

Your soon to be husband wants to talk to you." Tae''s eyes widened as he shook his head in negative pleading his aunty''s that he didn't want to talk.

But Nora only grasped the boy's arm harshly giving it a tight squeeze in a painful manner as the boy bite in his cry and spoke. "H-hello."

"I miss you already babydoll." The creepy voice spoke. Making the boy insides turn in anxiety.

The boy kept quiet as he felt her aunts heated gaze on his face. "Tomorrow night you'll be in my bed screaming at me for going slow but makeup your mind babydoll I'll be rough." The creepy voice spoke with full of lust.

The boy flinched back as he felt disgust and loathe. Large tears escaped his eyes. He wanted to scream and kill that man for saying such words. He wanted to claw his eyes out, and cut his tongue into pieces.

"You'll be mine tomorrow. Cry all you want." The ridiculous man spoke in his creepy voice as Nora moved away from the defeated boy smirking.

Cutting the call Nora placed a ring in Taehyung's hand as he blurted. "Wear your ring Taehyung, I don't want your soon to be husband getting angry." Baffled the boy didn't move as Nora herself placed the ring in boy's finger rather harshly making him hiss.

"Now get yourself ready. We are going to mansion. Min Young wanted to give you some gifts for your marriage." Nora spat as he left the room.

Taehyung felt cold shivers run down his spine. Tomorrow is his wedding. The day he dreaded from past days is just few hours away. All of a sudden the boy felt nauseous recalling that man's evil words.

The boy wanted to die. He literally do wanted to die. Only if suicide isn't wrong. The boy would've ended his misery a long time ago.

"Don't worry Min Young. The man is really good and thank you so much for the all the gifts for Taehyung. God knows I was so worried about his dowry but you made it easy for me." Nora spoke in a sugary manner.

Min Young caressed Taehyung's face softly as she spoke. Your just like my daughter alright! Whenever you need anything or any help just remember me." Taehyung felt his heart in his throat. The boy so desperately wanted to speak.

"Of course Min Young. Can you tell the driver to send all these things to our home." Nora spoke softly as Min Young nodded and told the driver to take all the gifts at Nora's home.

Taehyung knows all to well that her Aunt is going to keep these things for himself only or most probably she'll sell it.

The boy couldn't help but felt so much love towards Min young auntie. He's the most kind person Taehyung has ever come across to. Her personality ooze our kindness and love.

Min young went out to call IU who was getting ready for her own bachelor ceremony. It's quite a coincidence that both are getting married on the same day. In other case Taehyung would've been so happy about it just like IU but the reality is far from happiness.

"Go tell IU that Min young is calling her in the garden." Nora spoke making the boy uncomfortable. How in the world he can find IU in this mansion and not to forget the last time he got lost in here.

"B-but A-Aunty. Min young just went to c-call her." Taehyung tried to argue but than nodded abruptly when a thought entered his mind.

Slowly from what he remembered he made his way to stairs hearing shuffling and talking everywhere as the people were decorating the mansion from what her Aunty told him.

Moving up the stairs slowly the boy felt someone passing from beside him as he abruptly spoke up. "Excuse me?"

Who that person stopped on the mid step as that person stared at him. After a small silence the person spoke up. "Yes, can I help you?" The deep strong voice spoke as the boy inhaled sharply.

"S-sir, c-can you g-guide m-me to IU's r-room." The man probably realised his situation as he nodded but than realised it yet again and spoke. "Sure Mr. Well..." the man shuffled a bit and than a soft thing touched his hands as the man spoke. "Hold my hand and follow me." The man spoke softly.

A surge of warm ness erupted in his heart at his kind gesture. Holding the hand softly the man guided him up the stairs to the corridor as the boy couldn't stop himself from asking. "S-sir is your room on this floor." He blurted before realising how wrong it would've looked like as the person stopped in his tracks.

Abruptly shaking his head he spoke again. "I'm s-sorry sir! Its j-just my intentions a-are p-pure..... it's sounding wrong!" Taehyung mumbled looking pale.

A soft chuckle was heard as the man spoke. "First of all don't call me sir and second of all no my room isn't on this floor and last of all my name is Eunwoo and now you're standing in front of IU's room." Tae nodded frantically taking all information in.

His room isn't on this floor that meant only one thing.

IU's room abruptly opened as the next thing Tae was taken in a bone crushing hug. "C-can't b-breath." Tae mumbled as IU let him go scoffing. "Oh come on! TAEATAE!"

"TAETAE!" The man mumbled rather shocked at weird name making IU laugh and Tae angry. Before IU could mumble anymore stuff. Tae spoke.

"Min Young auntie is calling you in the garden." And just like whiplash IU stormed off mumbling her mom is going to kill her.

Tae knew that Eunwoo guy was still standing. After lots of courage he spoke up. "Is anyone e-else with us?" The boy asked hesitated and he knows it to sounded wrong.

"No." A soft reply came as the boy spoke up. His heart drumming wildly. "C-can you t-take me to U-uncle seo-Joon?" He asked a bit scared.

He can feel his heated gaze on him. "Why?" The man inquired rather precautious.

"B-because.... I need h-help." The boy breathed as a single tear escaped from his lips.

"In what?" Eunwoo asked softly this time knowing something is wrong.

"My A-Aunty y-your maid N-Nora is forcing m-me to mar--"

A shrill voice has the buzzing of the mansion snoozing off as a loud yells came from downstairs followed by screaming of a woman.

Eunwoo marched down hurriedly as Tae to abruptly moved down the stairs with the help of the railing as the cries got louder.

But one sentence stopped his beating heart as the boy felt his life turning into oblivion.

"IU got kidnapped!"

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