Chapter 73

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An eerie like silence surrounds the Mansion as everyone was gathered in the lounge looking dead serious. Nobody believes what Kai said as it could be a ploy but the way his posture radiated confidence and triumph that he hit Jungkook at the perfect place was enough to say that Kai wasn't lying.

Everyone was present in there, waiting for Aunt Min young as she has gone for shopping and will be coming back soon. Jungkook still wanted to believe that Kai is lying, and he wished from the bottom of his heart that Aunt Min young must deny these allegations.

Just like that the main door opened and walked in Aunt Min Young smiling softly but stopped to find everyone in the lounge with serious faces.

Her eyes looked at Namjoon for a second whose eyes were lowered and then her eyes met with Jungkook's as in questioning. "A family meet-up without informing me at all." Min young complained as she came to sit beside Namjoon and patted his shoulder.

Uncle Seo joon along with everyone was looking at her wearily. "Bring him in." Jungkook spoke to no one in particular but Jackson nodded his head and went out.

Min young stares confused at everyone whereas Seo yea-ji was looking at Min young as if she'll gauge Min young's eyes out. Before Min young could say a word Jackson came in along with someone whose hands were tied.

It was Kai.

As soon as Min young's eyes met Kai's her eyes darkened and this didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook. His hawk like eyes took in her every move

What's happening here?" Min young asked confused with worry etched on her face. When, nobody replied she continued.

"Don't tell me y'all started doing your work in the Mansion too. I don't want such stuff in my house!" Min young spoke a little angrily. Jimin who was standing on the side with his back leaning on the wall and arms crossed gave a slightest look to Jungkook and it was as if they talked through their eyes.

"Stop acting! I already told them the truth!" Kai spoke bit annoyed looking at Min young's acting skills.

Min young paused as she looked at Kai and then gasped horrified. "Oh God! Jungkook, how could you let this man talk to your aunt like this?" She asked shocked with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Aunt but there's sad news. IU was pregnant and it was the girl, but she lost the baby due to accident." Jungkook lied in a sad voice as all the eyes were on her and what she said next confirmed each and everything.

"If the baby was girl then I'm glad she lost it!" Her tone bitter and there everyone saw it. The glimpse of real Min young.

When Jungkook was kid he often used to see Min young not treating IU good and not giving her food on time so Jungkook took care of IU at that time but when Jungkook's parents died after that aunt Min young changed completely to loving. Why? Jungkook didn't want to believe what his mind was making up. But just like that the words were out before he could stop them.

"You killed m-my parents!" It was more of a statement then a question as Jungkooks green eyes looked at Min Young's shocked ones and it was as if the blood was drained out of her system.

Taehyung gasped and everyone was shocked to hear such words from Jungkook. "W-what a-are y-you saying son?" She spoke with an ashen face.

Jungkook chuckled a broken one as he ran his hands on his face to think clear. Every posture of her body is saying opposite to her words.

"Admit it already!" Jungkook snarled loudly making her flinch back and just in seconds her expressions changed from soft vulnerable to bitter and venomous.

"I did!" Min Young hissed making silence to flow in the room as everyone stared at her shock. Namjoon who was sitting beside her, stood up, taking steps away from the woman. Min young to stood up.

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