Chapter 39

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Taehyung spoke angrily with blazing red cheeks and an unwavering look on his face

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Taehyung spoke angrily with blazing red cheeks and an unwavering look on his face.

Jungkook's face turned red and the most reddened part were the tips of his ear as he gulped with difficulty.

He didn't just say that, he wants to spank him thrice!

Why the fuck it sounded and felt so erotic to him?

Cursing at himself internally. He let him go as he immediately moved towards the other side of the bed and curled into a cocooned position.

Jungkook sighed as he tried to control his blush that appeared on him for the very first time by the words of this tiger.

Standing up from the bed, he went towards the phone placed on the wall beside the door as he observed their menu that was placed beside the phone and ordered their dinner in the room.

He sat on the couch as he saw him laying there silently, not moving at all. Neither he was crying, nor he was speaking, just laying there silently.

Even though he had spanked him, it was not at all painful but rather teasing. He isn't stupid to spank him seriously, if he would've truly spanked him, he won't be able to move without wincing. The thing he did was just playful teasing.

Jungkook was deliberately avoiding him for his own sanity. Even though he has promised him, he still can't trust himself when he's around him. He's like a pure addiction.

He knew how difficult it was for him to stay away from him all this time. It was like dying every moment when he knew that he loved him so much.

It was difficult for him to control himself around him, and he didn't want to hurt him. He had promised him that he'll wait but deep down he knew he can't stay away from him, so the best thing that came in his mind was to stay away from him and home. That's why he used to come late at night to find him asleep on the settee waiting for him.

But after a few days he was awake when he came back and it stunned him. That night ignoring him was the most difficult task he has ever done in his life, and he felt awful about it.

He's not ready for him, and he will not force him.

Whenever he's near, his beast wants to claw out to claim him, but he resists with utter difficulty.

He's a type of man who always got what he wanted either by hook or crook so patience is a thing that didn't settle well with him and softness is a tune which he never knew.

Now when he's placed in a position to have patience, he finds it difficult to deal with and softness just spills out of him whenever he's talking to him.

In the past month the whole biography and geography of his life and personality has changed. He is the same cold-blooded assassin but not for him.

For Tae he wants to be the best caring and gentleman like husband he can ever be. He wants to give him every happiness of this world and universe.

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