Chapter 23

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The name Tzuyu was spoken by Jungkook which not only shocked Tzuyu but also everyone who were seated there

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The name Tzuyu was spoken by Jungkook which not only shocked Tzuyu but also everyone who were seated there.

Taehyung was spoken to by Eunwoo in warning as the boy was heading down the stairs and was going straight towards the baskets of decoration flowers placed in the middle and Eunwoo noticed it on time and screamed his name in order to stop him from falling.

Taehyung jumped in his place and got startled when Eunwoo screamed his name but thank god IU came and help him to the living room explaining about the reason due to which Eunwoo had to scream his name.

The surprise was quite evident on Jungkook's face as well, when he heard his name but he immediately masked his expression as he saw the boy, who was standing clueless in the hall as IU ran towards him and helped him in the living room, where everyone was seated

He felt someone's gaze on him as he slightly turned and his gaze landed on the extremely odd smiling face of Tzuyu.

"Oh my, that's the best news of the day." Se ye-ji chirped in, smiling enthusiastically.

Taehyung and IU were now seated as Uncle Seo-joon spoke up. "Are you sure Kook? This is a lifetime decision."

Jungkook gave his uncle a tight smile as he spoke. "I know uncle. That's why I've come to the conclusion of marrying Tzuyu." He spoke the words to uncle but his eyes were fixated on Taehyung and the boy didn't even show a single expression. Neither happiness nor sadness. And he wasn't expecting him to show sadness even one bit after all he did to him.

"I'm so happy for you both. I'll call my brother today and tell him about Tzuyu's proposal." Se-ye-ji spoke happily.

"Not yet! I would like to talk to Tzuyu alone and then it'll be up-to her to decide." Jungkook stated simply as in no second Tzuyu was on her feet, indicating him for that personal talk.

"Desperate bitch!" IU spoke under her breath, making Tae to gasp at her audacity. Tae lightly squeezed IU's hand in warning.

"I don't understand! In this universe full of lovely women. He had to marry that bitch!" IU was yelling loudly now as they were in IU's room now.

"Why are you swearing so much!" Taehyung spoke seriously angry this time.

"Because I'm angry at bro. Aren't you angry that he's marrying that miss attitude, whom we don't like?" IU asked pacing angrily in the room.

"I'm relieved!" Taehyung spoke before he could stop his tongue and in an instant IU halted on her steps.

Why in the world are you relieved Taehyung?" IU asked exasperated.

"B-because l-it's g-good to get married you know." The way Taehyung spoke had IU staring at him weirdly.

"On one side my brother is marrying a bitch and on the other side my best friend has gone insane.Please give me patience!!!" IU mumbled as she continued to pace in the room.

Taehyung didn't know why but he felt relieved that the one person who every time scared the living daylights out of him is getting married and that to a woman like Tzuyu. Internally the boy smirked happily.

'Serves you better, blackmailer!'


Boss, we've raided three warehouses of scorpions at three different cities in the same time as per your order. We've burnt the two warehouses completely and the one which has their weapons is left with nothing for use." Jhope told him on the phone as he smirked at the news.

"Poor Taecyeon will be so angry. He must know with whom he's messing. Good work Asad. Tell Mangonel, I'll be meeting everyone in a week." He spoke in his authoritative tone.

"As you wish Boss." Jhope replied respectfully as Jungkook ended the call.

Sighing his mind went back to the talk he had with Tzuyu.

"I'll make it clear Tzuyu. I'm not at all interested in marriage and stuff. In order to deal with grandpa's will, I'm marrying you. It will be a sort of deal which will last for a month only and after a month I'll divorce you and you'll be free."

That was the deal he had offered Tzuyu and knowing that the girl is a gold digger there are high chances she can go for it but he's still not sure yet.

His eyes shone with mischievousness as he smirked. "Oh, Baby Bear!"


"Are you out of your mind IU?" Taehyung whispered as IU was smiling happily for the stunt she's going to perform.

"Just come, you'll love it." IU whispered as she dragged Tae along with her to Tzuyu's room.

Slowly they moved in and stood beside the sleeping girl. IU dabbed the liquid on the cloth in her hand and slowly whispered in Tae's ears.

"I'm going to do it." IU murmured, making Taehyung more nervous as IU slowly crouched down and placed the chloroform dabbed cloth on Tzuyu's nose and kept it there until she was convinced she inhaled in the required dose.

"Finally!" IU spoke loudly, making Taehyung jump in his place in a scare. " Why are you shouting IU?" Taehyung murmured, holding his hand on his chest to control his rapidly beating heart.

"Because she's fainted and won't be waking up anytime soon. Finally I don't have to see her face at my wedding. Let's go get ready." IU mumbled happily as slowly closed the door behind and went back to IU's room.

IU didn't go to the salon but the salon did come to their mansion. "That was one scary act IU. What if we got caught. We shouldn't have done that." Taehyung mumbled, still thinking about their doings.

"Oh come on Tae take a chill pill. Relax boy and enjoy. After all, it's my wedding." IU spoke enthusiastically as the woman who was doing her makeup told her to stay still.

Saying a soft sorry. IU stayed still and let the makeup artist do her work.

Taehyung went to take a shower and when he was done. The other makeup artist under the orders of IU forced Taehyung to sit on the chair as she did his light makeup against his protests.

As soon as the makeup was done. Taehyung stood up and went to the closet to change his clothes. He heard IU speaking from the other side. "Taehyung I'm going to see my Groom okay? Will be back in a minute."

Taehyung was to engrossed in wearing his quest of a dress to pay attention to what she said. His dress was red suit in accordance with IU. After wearing it with great difficulty the boy simply couldn't close the buttons correctly.

Coming out of the closet while trying to close the button. He heard the door being shut. Standing in front of the mirror he spoke.

"Come on IU, where were you? Help me with this buttons please. I've told you, this is way to much for me and you forced makeup on me as well. God knows how horrible I'll be looking." Tae kept on mumbling. But one word spoken by the person he considered IU had his heart stopping.

"Baby Bear!"

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