Chapter 67

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Pure anger surged in his form as without as much of a thought a harsh slap resonated in the basement.

Taehyung slapped Taec-yeon!

His face was turned to the side with the impact as his hand touched the cheek, where he just slapped him.

Jungkook watched stunned at to what Taehyung did. At one moment he felt proud at his bravery, but he knows there'll be consequences.

Taec-yeon straightened up, his eyes deadly furious. And the next thing Taehyung went flying on the floor as he backhanded him. It was brutal.

Harsh clattering of chains were heard as Jungkook growled. "YOU BASTARD! I'll kill you!" His fury was mixed with emotions of familiarity as he recalled that he done the same when he hit him as he forced himself on him.

Taehyung wasn't stunned, this was expected of men like these, he's well aware of it now as he stared at the floor with tears in his eyes, and he stayed in his position, all numb.

"You destroyed my life!" He mumbled in an accusing manner as both the man stared at him tongue-tied as they don't know to whom he's referring it, yet they both felt that his words are towards their own selves particularly.

"Never ever think of slapping me again Taehyung. I won't hesitate to break your fingers one by one!" Taec-yeon gritted through his teeth, with utter seriousness dripping from his words.

"Fucking touch him and I'll kill you with my bare hands!" Jungkook snarled back glaring deadly at Taec-yeon.

"You destroyed my life!" He mumbled again.

"It was meant to happen. You were supposed to be mine, but he snatched you away." Taec-yeon seethed in anger.

"He was never yours!" Jungkook growled making Taec-yeon to narrow his eyes in anger at Jungkook.

Taehyung was numb. Life is cruel to him. These two men are fighting here over him as if he's not even there. Like he's a doll and not a living being, as if he isn't even human. His feelings didn't matter here. First Jungkook and now Taec-yeon!

Both evil!

Now as he come to think of it. Jungkook did everything in his will to make him his. All that manipulation towards the family, that Tyzu kidnapping and then his blackmailing. He played twisted cruel games to get him, and he won.

Now Taec-yeon also did the same things as manipulation, twisted web of deceit and everything in his will to get him and now here he is.

Both used wrong ways! Both of them did wrong! Both bloody powerful alpha males! Both wants control and him submission! Both wants him!

Where is he in all this? Where is his will? His feelings? Isn't it supposed to be on him to decide what he wants but if that would be the case then both would lose him.

"He will be mine now!" Taec-yeon spoke in a deadly voice making Tae's thoughts to stop, before he could get up on his own, he was yanked up harshly by a death grip on his arms as he hissed in pain.

His lower lips was busted as blood oozed out of it due to the slap. Jungkookl's blood boiled seeing his lip busted as he struggles harshly in the chains.

"Tell him you're mine!" Taec-yeon demanded harshly as he jerked him forward, closer to him making tae hiss in pain as he tried to move back.

Tell him!" Taec-yeon growled making Taehyung to stop struggling as he stared Taec-yeon dead in the eyes and spoke.

"I. am. no. ones!" His words were full of venom and hatred, his voice oozed out strength and it somehow stunned both Taec-yeon and Jungkook who was struggling in chains.

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