Chapter 66

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Many Secrets Going to reveal in this chapter...Brace Yourself Lovelies

Taehyung felt a soft caress on his cheek, and he stirred in his sleep, and then he felt it. Someone's hot breath near his neck and his eyes shot opened wide, meeting with the ocean blue one making his throat to clogged up as he abruptly tried to move away, but he was fast as he holds his shoulders in a firm grip and kept his in place.

Taehyung started panicking as he realized he's on bed, he tarted struggling violently in his hold, trying to get away from him as he yelled. "Let go! No! Leave me!"

His thrashing became violent, so he gave him a slight jerk and spoke coldly. "Shhhh! Princess! Behave yourself! I'm not doing anything, so relax!" He told him last part softly making his chin to quiver in fear at his cold voice.

Tears blurred his vision as he let him go and the boy immediately as if struck by lightening, scurried away from him, almost tripping off the bed in process as he stood in the corner, panting heavily with wide scared large eyes staring at him.

He chuckled softly, he looked like a scared dove. Mesmerizing, beautiful with that red nose. His eyes slowly trailed down his form, and he could barely control a groan that wanted to escape his throat.

Taehyung stared at him with wide scared eyes. His light brown hair combed back properly, clean shaved jaw and those blue eyes that he knows from the party stared at his form making chills to run down his spine.

"You can't hide from me princess." He mumbled lowly, but he heard it, as slow dread crept in his heart.

He stood up and rounded the bed, walking towards him making dread to creep in his veins.

"Don't be scared of me princess. I'm not gonna hurt you." He stopped few feet away from tae as he mumbled. His voice smooth.

There were trillions of questions that racked his mind. He wanted so many answers but yet the words that left his lips were unbelievable.

"Where's J-Jungkook?" He tried to sound strong but his voice gave away his fear and just by tae's words, his posture changed.

His jaw clenched as his eyes almost darkened. "He's there, where he's supposed to be." His words sharp and bitter making more tears to form in his eyes as he recalled all the words this man had said to him in their encounters.

This man had told him several times, that he'll kill Jungkook.

He shook his head in negative as his heart almost stopped beating and pain so pure engulfed his soul. He cupped his mouth to stop his screams.

The unconscious limp form of Jungkook racked his mind when they injected him, and he felt as if his soul left his body.

"Y-you k-killed h-him?" He asked, his voice stuttering with so much pain in it that the man clenched his fists as he gritted his teeth together.

"Not yet!" Was his firm reply and as if the oxygen found its way in his lungs and suddenly Tae could breathe again. He's alive! It kept ringing in his head like a mantra.

After knowing that he's alive, some sort of strength engulfed his being as he wiped his tears and straightened up.

"Why you kidnapped me?" He asked with angry eyes making something to flash in blue orbs as he smirked.

"So naive of you in not knowing my intentions yet." He spoke coolly in a smooth, calm voice making him to control his fear.

"Who are you?" He asked with confidence, not stuttering anymore. The man arched his brow as he looked at him keenly and took a step towards him, making him alert all of a sudden, and he saw it, as he smirked.

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