Chapter 74

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It was morning, he groggily woke up and found the other side of the bed empty. But what got his attention was a brown envelope placed there.

He holds it in his shaky hands because his heart already knows what it is. He took the papers out and found them to be divorce papers which aren't signed. He didn't sign them!

On cue the door to their room opened, and he walked in freshly clothed with a breakfast dish in his hands. Their eyes met, and he gave him beautiful grin, his dimples appearing and tae's heart almost skipped to beat. He placed the dish on the bed side table got closer to him and kissed his forehead. A gasp escaped his lips, and he closed his eyes for the briefest second.

"Freshen up Baby Bear." He spoke softly and boy numbly went to the restroom leaving divorce papers on the bed. Why he's doing this? He didn't understand anything. He did his routine and freshened up. He came out to found him on the couch with table of food set in front. He patted the seat beside him, and he quietly sat beside him, completely jumbled.

He takes the pancake on the fork and moved it in front of his face, he stared at the fork and then at him as he indicated tae to eat, and he ate silently as he feed tae and himself with the same fork. "Why are you doing this? When you clearly placed the divorce papers on bed." He asked confidently, eyes narrowed.

"I'm not doing anything Baby Bear. I just want to cherish my last moments with you." His voice crack in the last part.

That was all for his stone resolve to broke. The next second he moved and was standing in front of Jungkook. He holds both of his wrists and moved it away from his front, the next thing he placed his knees on either side of his waist and straddles him. On the next moment he let go of his hands and hold his face in his hands and gave a quick peck on his lips.

Jungkook's pupil dilated as his mouth was opened ajar a little to draw breath and utter shock, bewilderment and disbelief was written on his face. "W-What a-are you d-doing Baby Bear?" He asked while stuttering.

"I can't leave you Kook so, that's not an option the only option we are left with is for you to make me forgive you. Can you do that?" He spoke confidently and a surge of warmth swiped in his heart, and he instantly wrapped his arms around tae's waist. His endearment for him was complete love filled blow for him.

"I will do anything to get your forgiveness Baby Bear. I will give my life for you, love." He rasped and took his lips in a passionate kiss.

The boat has already sailed a long while ago. Now the two souls were trapped in the middle of nowhere. They had passed the storm of heavy waves. The wind was harsh and thunder was raw. But they faced it all. What can they do now? Separate one boat into two in the middle of their journey, because of certain sins? Will they both be able to survive? No! The waves have already left the shore, and when the wind is content with the rhythm of finally peace, their souls are in turmoil. One in regret and the other in the past. What's the only option?

To let go of the things. Give time to each other and sail on. Because, if in the end you've to let go, so what was the reason to hold on for so long?

Baby Bear decided to give a chance to his Kook.

But they had to overcome a lot of obstacles which will take time to conquer.

When the kiss got deepened Taehyung tensed as he put his hands on his shoulders and pushed him away a little. He felt his resistance and broke the kiss. Both panting heavily, he joined his forehead with him and his face was flushed and lips swelled. He softly tried to get off of his lap, but he tightened his hold not letting him move. He tensed more, and he saw something that was like salt or alcohol on his wounds of guilt and regret.

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