Chapter 60

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Taehyung heard shuffling around him. He tried to open his eyes but it felt like an impossible task as his eyes won't open and it was as if tons of weight was placed on his eyelids that won't let him see.

His body felt numb, he couldn't feel anything at all. He tried to move but nothing happened. His body wasn't listening to his brain. It was just limp without any sensation.

Taehyung couldn't understand why he couldn't move or open his eyes. It was as if he got trapped in his own body. He felt claustrophobic and panicked.

Why can't he move? He thought with pure panic in his head. He felt a presence around him, but he was unable to open his eyes or to utter a word. His body wasn't in his control.

It was as if he's falling in a pit of darkness and it was so alluring and deep that his body was falling there with satisfaction. Darkness was intriguing and it was calling to him. So he did what his body wants, he once again scummed to darkness.

Taehyung woke up once again, he can feel that it's day time cause there was so much light through his lids, he can feel it.

This time he tried to open his eyes and it worked. His lids parted slightly, but he closed his eyes again due to the scorching rays of sun that was falling in the room. He blinked several times to adjust his sight and it worked.

His eyes were glued to ceiling for couple of seconds, and then he felt it with full force. The pain that racked his body was immense.

A painful groan escaped his lips as his wrist moved a bit. His brows scrunched up in confusion as he brings both of his wrists in front of his eyes, and they were bandaged.

Why his wrists are paining and bandaged? Taehyung thought but as soon as this question came, it disappeared when his thighs slightly brushed each other and an immense pain shot through his core.

A hiss escaped his lips as his eyes widened and everything came back like a storm racking his mind.

Taehyung stared at the ceiling as one by one all the incident played in front of his eyes like a movie playing again and again without a pause.

Not a single tear escaped his eye. He stayed there on bed staring at the ceiling for the longest of the times. Then ever so slowly he turned his face to the side where mirror was placed and saw the scene which he saw in the same mirror few hours back but as soon as he blinked the scene was gone.

He slowly crouched up to see himself in one of his shirt and that was the only clothing on him. He looked around the room and it was empty.

Taehyung was alone in this room.

He tried to get off the bed but as soon as his thighs moved, immense pain will make him hiss. Slowly he got off the bed but as soon as he stood on his feet. His legs shook and gave up as he fell on the floor with a thud.

A pain shot throughout his elbow, but he didn't care, as he holds the bedside table to steady himself, and he stood up with great difficulty. He took support from the wall as he proceeded towards the restroom but with each step a hiss escaped his lips.

As soon as he was in, he locked the door and went in front of the large wall mirror. Without blinking he undid the shirt buttons and removed it off of his body as it slipped down on the floor.

Taehyung slowly cast his eyes up to look in the mirror, and he stiffened in his place.

His face and body was all red and blue with bruises and finger marks. A large tattoo of teeth dig deep in flesh was on his collarbone. His chest was filled with red hickeys but his bosoms. They were filled with blueish and purplish marks which stood out on his white skin. There was blue hickey on his stomach, near his bellybutton and his thighs. His thighs and butt were filled with large hand marks, finger digging marks imprinted perfectly on his skin. But the most brutal marks were on his bosoms. He can see a small trail of blood on his thighs from his vagina.

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