Chapter 57

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None of them spoke a word in the whole ride towards the mansion. Ire silence was playing in the car as both were holding storms inside them, waiting for the other one to burst out first but both remained lips sealed, not muttering even the words of depth.

Soon they reached the mansion as he parked the car in porch. Tae didn't wait for him as he immediately removed his seat belt and in other second he was dashing inside the house towards his room.

Tae's heart was in pain. He didn't want to face him at all. His feet were paining cause of the shoes. He felt him coming behind him as he could hear his heavy footsteps and his pace fastened.

He almost ran into his room, to close the door but Alas! He was fast as his large hand stopped him from closing the door. Tae tried to close the door with all his force, he even plastered his body to the door to push it close but with one swift force, he was jerked back, and he was in the room.

He closed the door behind him. This was the second time this thing is happening. Him forcing his way in his room like this.

Taehyung backed up and straightened himself to face him. He is, in no way going back down.

"Why did you left the place, I told you to stay at?" He asked him calmly but his eyes were giving away his rage.

Taehyung closed his eyes and looked away. On the road he just said everything and now he's starting it all over again.

Breathing in deeply he calmed himself down. "I didn't know in which type of place you were taking me. I was happy that you were taking me out, but then I saw what sort of place that was and then you left me there all alone in those creepy men! And one of them tricked me saying you're calling me, when I followed, he yanked me on the dance floor and misbehaved with me! That man knew me and he said he wants me! And then he was gone!" By the end of his rant he was breathing heavily as his angry eyes glared at him.

Jungkook's eyes bore into him and his eyes clearly said that he didn't believe him. Tae was shocked just by looking in his eyes, and he shook his head negatively while laughing sadly. He really wanted to curse at that heartbreaking moment, he really does.

Not bothering to explain to him any further he decided to go into the restroom because whatever he'll say, he will not believe him.

As soon as he turned to leave, he holds his wrist and pulled him back forcefully making his back to collide with his front as he wrapped his large arms around his waist, pulling him back flushed against his front.

Taehyung gasped as he abruptly tried to struggle with full force making him growl as next second both of his wrists were painfully held behind his back with his one hand, making his chest to arch out as his other hand wrapped around his swan like neck pulling his face up towards the ceiling.

His eyes looked at mirror in front of them giving him the appealing site of his curves. His face nuzzles in tae's neck as he inhaled deeply. He smelled like lily.

His chest rumbled as his lips kissed his jaw, the vein in his swan-like neck was pulsating as he kissed him there.

Moving an inch away from his skin he spoke. "At first I wanted to get rid of you but tonight I get to know, I can't. I cannot see you with another man. You're mine!" His voice deep and growling making the boy to tremble in his hold with shuddering breath.

"Get that in your mind Taehyung. You're mine! My fucking possession!" He snickered lowly in his ear making him close his eyes more tightly.

"If I saw you with another man again, you won't like the consequences." He spoke lowly, his hot breath hitting his neck. He gave a soft kiss on his neck and then let him go just like that.

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