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An eerie like silence followed, only with his heavy breathing echoing around

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An eerie like silence followed, only with his heavy breathing echoing around. Panting he slowly stand with the help of the wall behind him. His heart was in his throat because he knew someone is standing there and observing his every move like a predator.

On instinct he turned and was about to go for the door when with a harsh grip on his hair he was yanked back. A sharp cry escaped his lips as he closed his eyes in pain.

He didn't realized the person was pulling his hair which are bunch. Tears brimmed his eyes.

"Le-ave m-e!" he struggled but the person only turned him around roughly and gave a harsh jerk to his hair making him face the ceiling. And his tiny fists landed on a hard and broad surface.

A strong smell of lavender with hint of musky scent filled his nostrils and he knew that he had smelt it before but where.

He can feel someone's breath above his face and he coward back in fear but that man being far from decency jerked his head making him cry out in pain. "Le-t g-go!" His tiny fists hit his broad chest as he felt like hitting a wall.

The man abruptly let him go as the boy fell down on the floor hands first, panting. He can feel him crouching down near him as he scooted back. His eyes full of fear with lakes of tears.

"Where is Seung Hyun?" Deep powerful voice spoke making him startled as he continued to scoot back keeping his mouth shut. Never in his whole life he heard such dominating and intimidating voice.

When the man realized he isn't going to respond, in an instant his large calloused hand clasped around his chin so harshly making his lips to pucker out.

A small cry escaped his lips as his small hands tried to remove his deathly iron grip. The man jerked him forward earning a gasp from him as he seethed. "I don't like to repeat my self boy. SPEAK UP!" He almost snarled.

He flinched and closed his eyes in complete fear. "I-I don't k-now w-ho is se-un-g hyun." he hitched.

If possible the man tightened his grip on him, earning a sharp cry from him. "Ahhh!" Pulling him roughly towards him. His free hand wrapped around his cascading honey locks, which came undone due to his last ministration, he gave it a painful tug.

I hate liars!" He hissed near his face. The boy was on his knees but yet he felt extremely small in front of that unknown man. His voice was so powerful and menacing that he felt like hiding under the bed.

"I'm n-not l-lying." He cried feeling burning in his skull.

"Let go of me!" he yelled bit confidently as he hit his chest with his tiny fists to get himself free but the man wasn't even budging, holding him in his iron grip.

Letting go of his face with a jerk he grasp his left hand in his large one, the boy tried to struggle but stopped when he applied deadly pressure on his hand. "You're wearing his ring!" He seethed venomously.

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