Chapter 21

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"IU this is way too Odd for me!" Taehyung exclaimed with concern

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"IU this is way too Odd for me!" Taehyung exclaimed with concern. "I'll look like bad boy!" he tried to convince IU with his genuine excuses but IU being IU wasn't having one bit of it.

"If I said you'll wear it then you'll wear." Taehyung made an annoyed face. IU just literally spoke like her blackmailer brother.

Taehyung thanked god that he hasn't come across that man from past five days, he was staying here. Even though from IU he has heard that he came to stay here yesterday for IU's wedding.

"Don't force him IU. If he didn't want to wear it then let it be. It will not suit him at all." Tzuyu's spoke up.

Tzuyu is Jackson's cousin from Seo Ye-ji's auntie's family. The girl is just so full of herself.

Neither Tae nor IU replied to her comment because they both didn't like her attitude nature. "You'll have to wear Sneakers Tae." IU ordered ignoring Tzuyu completely.

"IU it's not my wedding. It's yours for God sake." Tae exasperated.

The dress was beautiful according to his touch but it was a designed shirt, with white tshirts inside . First Taehyung was aghast on why IU spent so much money on his dress but IU being IU didn't let him ponder on those thoughts.

"At least let me wear something normal for today's function." Taehyung requested with puppy eyes and IU laughed at his cute face. "Fine, you are sounding like as if it's a torture for you." IU exclaimed.

Taehyung made a face which said 'it is IU.' Earning a light smack from IU on the head.

Y'all behave like kids!" Came the snickering voice of Tzuyu. IU was about to reply but Tzuyu was fast enough to leave the room while slamming the door behind.

"Bitch!" IU hissed under her breath but Tae heard it as he gasped. "IU!" Taehyung exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Oh come on mr goody two shoes. Some people are really poisonous. They'll eat you alive." IU replied with seriousness making Taehyung gulp. But IU soon broke into laughter as Taehyung glared and her.

"Why you don't like her?" Taehyung asked knowing that this was not simply because of Tzuyu's attitude.

"Because she is after my brother from years!" IU told exasperatingly. Taehyung made a confused face but IU just dogged it.

Go take a shower. We don't have much time." Taehyung told IU to which IU replied. "Aye Aye Captain." With that said IU left for the restroom.

Taehyung sighed in relief. How he wished, he could stay with IU forever but after IU's wedding, he'll ask uncle seo-joon for a leave. He will go away from this mansion and especially from that man and will live in some old age home. This is the only proper option.

The hall was buzzing with women and men as IU sat on the chair in the front as girls & boys were sitting in a circle on the floor. Singing and dancing on songs. The function was conducted in the garden area just bit far enjoy to the fullest.

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