Chapter 28

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Wedding Bells on the way.....

Taehyung gasped as he felt the ire and silence that surrounded the room

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Taehyung gasped as he felt the ire and silence that surrounded the room. Tension oozed in the air as everyone stayed quiet for the longest of the time.

"Where can she go? I don't understand!" Se-ye ji spoke up in a tensed voice.

"I've searched her room and the guards have searched the whole mansion. She is nowhere to be found." Auntie Min Young spoke up, her voice dripped with concern.

"What will we do now?" Jackson asked, looking tense with scenarios that are taking place.

"I knew she's a bitch!" IU muttered under her breath as she was standing beside Tae so only Taehyung heard it.

"Not now IU!" taehyung warmed her softly to not make a scene now.

We can't let the guests leave a second time as now there's no bride. It will be a shame on the family that something like this happened twice." Uncle seo-joon spoke up with worry, lacing his every word.

"Dad there are media and politicians outside. It will become a great scandal, and we'll lose a lot of deals if our reputation goes down." Namjoon spoke with concern as he was absolutely right.

In IU's wedding there weren't any media or political people so it was easy to tell the people to leave but now the scenario is different.

Media will definitely form a scandal regarding Tzuyu and other stuff and it will cause a great downfall in their business deals and shares.

"The wedding will happen as it was supposed to happen." Jungkook's voice boomed in the room as it was laced with anger.

Everyone stayed quiet as not a word was heard. "Find me a wife now. I don't care, bring me any girl or boy to marry but I will not let Jeon's name be thrown in the dirt." His voice boomed in the room as anger radiated off of him.

"How and from where we can bring a boy right now Hyung? It's not like there's a bride happening outside." Jackson spoke up his mind but as he received death glares from everyone, he soon realized the part with the sale of brides wasn't necessary to speak.

"Tzuyu was your relative Se ye-ji Auntie, and she went missing. Now it's up to you to find me a wife right now!" Jungkook spoke authoritatively in his business manner, making Se ye-ji tense as she gulped.

With nervous eyes she stared at Min Young who was too looking concerned as Se ye-ji 's eyes landed on IU's angry ones and then something twitched in her mind as she spoke.


Taehyung's head shot up to Se ye-ji's direction as the boy visibly shook.

"Taehyung is like Min Young's own son. If you agree with Jungkook then I can ask for his hand from Seo-joon." Se ye-ji spoke up.

Tae's heart was thudding widely in his chest as he was still trying to comprehend what just Se ye-ji auntie said.

"I don't have any problem with it. If uncle seo-joon agrees then I'll marry him." Jungkook spoke it smoothly with a little to no hint of anger.

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