Chapter 6

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They are demanding your presence Boss

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They are demanding your presence Boss. They agreed to do this weapon transaction deal only on one condition." The serious voice spoke from the other side.

"Speak!" A deep, powerful voice spoke.

"They want you to be present at the site at the time of transaction. According to these French your absence is an insult for them." The man replied seriously in a gruff voice as if the words he's speaking is pure venom for him.

An eire silence played its tune. As the large man spoke. His voice deep with authority. "Tell them Kai. Finalizing of deal without my presence is for their own betterment and if still they'll have the guts to deny then Mangonel will make sure they won't be left alive to make any further deals."

"As you say Boss." Kai replied his voice oozing out respect for his Boss.

Cutting the call. Jungkook scoffed at the demand of those mutts. They need to be of enough standard to demand such things from Jeon Jungkook.

Removing his shirt the man went to the restroom for a relaxing shower.

Knocking of his room door had the man grunting. Opening and closing of the door of his room reached his ears as the man's perked up. No maid is allowed to enter his room, when he's present and no family member is ill mannered enough to enter without getting a reply.

Wrapping the towel around his waist the man came out only to stop dead in his tracks. There on his left side was the man was standing up slowly from the floor, while rubbing his plump hip. His back was facing him.

"You stupid IU! You should've told me that you've rearranged the room. Because of you my butt is in pain." The boy mumbled softly while still caressing his hip to sooth the pain.

Jungkook raised his perfect thick brow, observing the boy in silence. The audacity of this unknown boy calling his sister stupid that to while standing in his room.

The boy softly turned around and Jungkook was stunned would be understatement he was astonished to see the same boy from the orphanage who was haunting his nights is present in his room!

The boy spoke up as he moved further in the room with soft steps. "IU!" His soothing soft voice echoed in his room as he came out of his trance of shock. He had to admit this boy has an angelic voice. But how in damn fucking world he's in his mansion and in his fucking room.

The boy's frowned deepened as he glared all around him. Jungkook didn't dare to utter a word as he observed him quietly. Damn his glare is intense for the petite little boy he is, or more like a man if he counts his voluptuous figure in.

All of a sudden the boy went straight towards the bed while yelling. "My butt is cursing you IU-Umphhhhh." His foot hit the bed as he fell on it, face first and legs up in the air.

Jungkook was about to chuckle at the sight but stopped as he snickered internally. Seeing him on his bed. The small curve of his waist rising up to his plump hips.

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