Chapter 16

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Aunt you must come inside with me

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Aunt you must come inside with me. I can't face him alone. Please." Tae mumbled softly but with urgency holding Aunt's hand tightly as Aunt was guiding him to Jungkook's study because the boy wanted to have a serious freedom talk with him.

Tae has thought a lot on this matter and come up on the conclusion that he'll talk to him in Aunt's presence. It will be more safer.

After having dinner in his room where he was kept. He was waiting for Aunt to appear and take the boy to meet him and Aunt did appear after a long time.Alright I will. Don't worry." Aunt encouraged him. Aunt couldn't understand Tae at all. If he's so scared to face him then why in the world does he want to talk to him? Aunt tried to talk Tae out of it but he was persistent on talking to him and here they are going to his study for that important conversation.

As soon as they reached the door. "We are here." Aunt informed and then knocked at the door.

A curt come in was heard as Aunt slowly opened the gate and helped him inside. A strong leathery scent reached his nostrils as he inhaled deeply to calm his fear down.

'Aunt is with me. I'm safe.' Tae was reciting it as a mantra inside his head.

"What is it Aunt?" Came that strong, power radiating voice. The boy gulped as he felt scared just by his voice.

Tae wants to talk to you." Aunt replied softly.

Jungkook wasn't expecting him to visit and when Aunt mentioned about the boy wanting to talk to him. He arched his brow in amusement and indicated Aunt through his green hawk like eyes to leave.

Aunt was hesitant to leave the boy alone but she knows she can't do anything about it. Aunt tried to free her hand from Tae's grip but it only made the boy hysteric as he immediately tightened his grip and a shocked whisper escaped his lips. "Aunt.."

Aunt felt extremely sad as she forcefully unclasped his hand from Tae's and mumbled softly. "He wants me to leave but don't worry. You'll be fine. I'm waiting in the corridor for you." With that said Aunt left the boy in the Tiger's den and closed the door behind her

"A-Aunt please..." A soft whisper escaped his lips but Aunt was already gone by that time.

Tae unintentionally clasped his hand hem of tshirt more tightly. "What do you want to talk about?" His deep voice reaches his ear and shuffling is heard as if he's standing now.

Gulping, he mustered up his courage. "I-I w-want to l-leave." He spoke softly while fisting his tshirt in one hand.

"Leave where?" Was his simple demand.

"To Hell! Wanna come?"

He wanted to say this and then bang his head on the wall that moment but he stopped.

Like why in the world he's interrogating him like he's his son.

But he's your captor! His conscience spoke

Home." He stated simply but he knows he'll say some hurtful words like 'which home? Do you have any' So he continued. "I've s-some r-relatives h-here so I'll go to them." He lied smoothly.

He will surely let him go now or so he thought. His footsteps could be heard loud in the room as he approached him. His body was on full alert as he backed away and then his footsteps changed the direction and he moved around him and was standing behind him now.

"I hate liars baby bear and do you know what I do to liars?" He spoke coldly moving towards his back as the boy immediately turned around. His endearment sent weird shivers down his body. His face pale as he stepped back from him. "I punish them!" He hissed.

Tae stifled a gasp. He didn't bought his lie and to top it all. He's angry but he didn't back down. "I-If y-you're a-afraid o-of t-the c-cops t-then don't. I-I w-will n-not tell them about y-you...o-only if you l-let m-me g-go."

A deep throaty chuckle resonated in each corner and a cold shudder passed through his spine as he felt his presence just inches away from him so he stepped back, clutching his tshirt tightly. "You're negotiating with me that's courageous but if you think I'm afraid of cops then you're wrong baby bear."

"Now for the punishment..." He trailed off as he stepped closer to the scared bear who was retreating back at his advances. He saw the desk behind him and a smirk appeared on his face. With one more step his back touched the desk and a fearful gasp escaped his lips.

Tae touched the table behind him as he held it for support. He felt his presence dangerously close but unfortunately there wasn't an escape behind. Gulping he mumbled. "W-we c-can talk like c-civilized people."

He smirked at his discomfort and the little bit courage he was showing.

He felt his hand being placed on him that was on the table his study desk and at the same time felt his hot breath on his cheek. Immediately he snatched his hand from under his and placed it on his chest to push. "Move a-away!" He whispered yelled as he tried to push him but in vain.

He felt his other hand placed on his other side on the table. He has caged him. As soon as his thumb traced the side of his hip. The boy jolted in his place into him but immediately moved back as his eyes started to tear up.

"I said m-move a-away!" He yelled this time with tears as he pushed him but he didn't even budge. When he again felt his thumb caressing his side. His hand on their own was on his large calloused hand as he hold his thumb tightly in his fist as in stopping it from caressing him. His other hand touched his waist and he immediately held his other hand to and stopped him from touching him.

And the next thing he flushed his hard body against his soft one as the boy gasped and immediately his hands left push him but he grasped them back on the table.

"Stop!" A cry escaped his lips as he turned his face aside. "Leave m-me!" He yelled. His touch disgusts him and he tried to wriggle under him.

"Stop moving!" Jungkook mumbled hoarsely as his wriggling was turning him on.

When he didn't stopped moving he jerked his body harshly and earned a cry from him.

His wrists were aching so badly due to his hard grip and the way he was pressing his body on Tae infuriated him as he screamed at him.

"Leave me you wild animal!"

He harshly yanked his hand from his and tried to slap him. He didn't know from where this courage came from but he was fast enough as he caught his arm mid air.

His blood boiled at the names he called him and to top it all he tried to slap him.

Growling inhumanly he hold his upper arm harshly and moved him aside and threw everything away from the glass desk with one swift swing of his hand.

The things crashing on the floor had Tae's heart lurching to his throat. And the next thing he roughly grabbed his waist, picked him up and placed him on the desk. A shriek of horror escaped his lips.

His large calloused hands land on his thighs and he immediately tried to pry his hands off of him. "Stop!" he cried as his hands moved to his knees and he spread his legs and stand between him legs.

Due to all the struggling his tshirt moved and give him show of his collarbones. His eyes wide in horror as he took in their position and a desperate cry escaped his lips. "P-please s-stop!"

Jungkook kept his hand firmly on the backside of his knee to keep him in place as his other hand held his jaw roughly making his lips to pout out.

"I'm wild animal. Right?"...He hissed tauntingly

"No!" he screamed, his eyes wide in horror.

And the next thing he....

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