Chapter 43

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A soft calming breeze rustled the leaves. Early dawn still in its nurture as light grayish clouds covered the rosy sky, the redness of the sky looked like a soft blush on the newly wedded cheeks.

The boy stirred slowly in his sleep as his eyes started to flutter open for a second. He lay still and his body felt extremely drained out. Last night's event invaded his mind and a deep blush appeared on his skin as he tried to move. But hissed out in pain when he felt that soreness between his legs.

He recalled how painful it was for him, to such an extent that wanted to back off, but he didn't let him as he coaxed him into this.

The boy felt the bed beside him empty, making his heart fall due to uncertainty. But just on cue the door of the restroom opened and his footsteps were heard.

Taehyung didn't dare to face him. He was too shy to do that. He realized, he's wearing only his shirt. He tried to move but his soreness was too much. He recalled his words earlier when Jungkook said he won't be able to stand if he would've done that.

And now recalling all the times, when he thought he did bad to him, makes him feel stupid.

He really didn't want this. If he knew it first. Heck the pain was so much, he was willing to give up the pleasure if you've to pass that much phase of pain.

He can still hear his satisfying grunts when he laid there in pain. But he will not lie that after sometime he started enjoying it. And he was right when he said it'll be rough for him instead of him being a lot of gentle.

His cheeks were flaming red and hot. How naive of him to think that making love is easy.

"Perhaps you recall what appeared last night, Bear." He stated in his deep husky voice which made him a lot more fuzzy, he immediately shook his head in negative.

He tried to move but the pain didn't let him as he tried to control it. In no time Jungkook was beside him.

He crouched down beside him as he kissed his temple making him all more bothered with his closeness. "Are you a sore baby?" He asked him softly, holding his chin in his fingers. His coy long lashes lifted up slowly and with pouting cherry lips, he nodded.

"I-It's all y-your f-fault." He spoke with small anger and pain in his voice. Making Jungkook scrunch his brows in concern.

"What was I supposed to do rather than being gentle. You're so small and I'm a beast. But trust it will not hurt that much after some time." He cooed softly, placing a rogue strand behind his ear.

He knew he was right but his last line made his eyes widen. "Don't even t-think a-about n-next-time!" He told him sternly as he chuckled at him.

"Oh, there will be a lot more times." He told him with hidden mischievousness, making Tae glare at him as his arms went around his body, and he slowly picked him up bridal style.

"W-What are y-you d-doing?" He asked hesitatingly, he wasn't wearing any shirt as he shushed him and carried him to the restroom. He has already filled the tub with warm water and bubbles for his precious doll.

He softly placed him on the slab and started to unbutton his shirt. But he immediately stopped him with wide eyes he asked. "What are y-you doing?"

"Just taking my shirt back." He stated simply making his eyes to widen more if possible as he held his large hands to stop him.

Relax to get fresh, so you must remove this shirt." The boy gulped as he held his shirt from the front and shook his head in negative while facing down.

"It's not like, I haven't seen your body." He spoke mischievously near his ear making him shudder as he bit his earlobe.

He gasped as he softly placed his hands on his chest to stop him from coming closer. His lips kissed his neck and jaw as they started to go down. The boy panicked thinking that he'll do it again. So he did what came to his mind.

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