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Pink slipping her car was a risk.

However, she was Beatriz Ortiz, holding up a pink slip was something that the Ortiz family did. It wasn't uncommon that people thought someone in the Ortiz family were shit drivers. Being in Puerto Rico under a different name, Beatrix went unnoticed until she drove in street races. Very few knew Beatriz's real name, or where she came from.

One day, she just showed up to a race and beat the best racer there, betting money. Tonight, Beatriz had the cash, but the group who wanted to race weren't taking her seriously. Not until she held up her pink slip, willing to risk her car to win the cash. Outside of the flagger who was her best friend, no one knew the talent she had behind the wheel.

She was Letty Ortiz's little sister, it wasn't like she couldn't drive. Beatriz certainly knew how to drive, she could never beat Letty before she ran away from home at eighteen, but Beatriz didn't want to beat Letty. Beatriz just wanted to have a name for herself without the last name making people realize who they were racing against.

Beatriz smirked as she glanced in the rearview as soon as she hit the NOS. She pretended during the first third of the race that this was her first time racing, but as soon as she noticed the others hitting theirs too soon, Beatriz knew they were just shit drivers. She was able to zoom past the finish line, leaving the others in the dust she kicked up.

Back home, Beatriz pretended she didn't care about cars and for the most part, she didn't. She liked driving in races, showing people what she could do, but she wasn't into the flashiest cars or engines. Beatriz's current car was a previous pink slip (one of the reasons why she was willing to pink slip it in the first place), she just wanted to take it out for a few until someone either beat her, which wasn't likely, or someone needed a new car. Beatriz really didn't care about the make and model, or whether it was souped up.

As long as it had a working engine, four tires, and the addition of NOS, Beatriz drove.

Beatriz got out of her car, a grin on her face. It was nice to have another win under her belt.

Outside of two races, Beatriz won whenever she decided to race. Tonight, she wasn't even going to race until one of the assholes said something about a girl like Bea shouldn't be at a race like this. Despite the racing scene in Puerto Rico being dominated by women more than men these days, or at least in the location that Beatriz was residing in. He was just pushing the buttons of the women racers, so Beatriz decided to put his money where his mouth was.

Beatriz was handed back her pink slip and the money she won. Beatriz smirked at the money in her hand, patting it against the palm of her hand. With this money alone, Beatriz would definitely have enough to finish her last year of university. The bartending gig was only getting her so much, even working double and triple shifts.

"You pink slipped?" Beatriz lifted her head up, knowing the voice that was behind her. It was a voice she hadn't heard in six years, even since the day she ran away from home. Beatriz turned to face her older sister.

Letty stood there, a smile on her face. She was happy to see that Bea was into cars and racing just like she was, and the rest of Dom's crew. It was nice to see Bea behind the wheel of a car, racing just like Letty and the others did. Letty knew that Beatriz was interested in racing, she just pretended she didn't care. She'd come to races, but outside of that, Letty actually never saw her sister race.


"How'd you find me?" Beatriz asked, pushing her hair from her face. She pocketed the wod of cash and the pink slip into the back pocket of her shorts. "Here I thought going to the other side of the US would be far enough." Beatriz said under her breath.

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