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"I need you to do something for me,"

"Hello to you too. Do you realize what time it is?" Nikoletta asked as she walked to Lexia and Keir's apartment. She hadn't heard from her best friend since she said she was going out of town for a little while. Ever since that text message came through, Niko hadn't heard from Lexia.

"Oh please, I'm only an hour ahead of you." Niko looked at the phone before bringing it back to her ear. "Where are you right now?"

"Checking on Lex."

Keir sighed with relief. "She's back in Puerto Rico? Thank God."

Nikoletta had a confused look coming across her face. "No...?" She shook her head as she stood outside of the apartment. "I haven't heard from Lexia in the last few days since she said she was leaving town. I wanted to make sure she wasn't just hauled up in the apartment." Nikoletta reached down into the planter. She grabbed the rock that had the secret door under it. She held the phone against her shoulder and cheek, opening the rock up to reveal the spare key.

Keir kept his cursing to himself, but Niko could tell he was upset. "Everything okay?" Nikoletta grabbed the phone with her left hand, bringing it over to the left ear. "Did you and Lex have a fight?"

Keir and Beatriz did argue about lying to Niko about what her first name was, but knowing that Bea was lying more than just her name, he understood why she lied. Keir had to play along with calling her Lexia or Lex while talking to Nikoletta. "No. Just get inside and tell me what you see."

Niko rolled her eyes, pushing open the door. She pulled the key from the lock before closing the door behind her. Nikoletta turned the light on, seeing that apartment was barely touched before Bea left. Niko could see Lexia's bag on the couch and her jacket from work.

The heels were by the door, as if she kicked them off as quickly as she could.

Niko walked backwards from the front door, trying to figure out her best friend's actions. "She left in a hurry." That was Keir's worry. Nikoletta made her way to the bedroom, pushing open the door. She leaned her back against the door, flicking on the light.

Nikoletta saw the suitcase sitting on the bed, but it was discarded. "Definitely left in a hurry, she left her suitcase behind." Niko stated.

Well, that confirmed to Keir that she took a carry-on. She must have booked the first flight she could to get to Rio. Beatriz did say she didn't know how long she'd be gone for, she probably packed whatever could fit in a duffle and got herself to the airport. Nikoletta entered the bedroom, picking up Bea's phone. "And she left her phone."

Nikoletta flipped the phone a few times in her hand, looking around the bedroom. "She didn't take anything with her. So, I guess she'll be back," Niko shrugged.

Keir closed his eyes, sighing heavily. Of course Beatriz would leave behind her phone, she wouldn't want anyone contacting her. But something popped into her mind, "Do you know her password?" Keir wanted to find out who called her last, see if he was just making things up in his head. Maybe Bea just flew to Rio to meet up with friends or something, maybe she wasn't working with Toretto.

Nikoletta turned the phone on, waiting a few seconds before the screen was filled with notifications, mainly from Keir and Niko. However, she did see several calls from Lex's work. "Okay, this is weird. Did she just ditch work completely?" Keir didn't have an answer for Nikoletta. He hoped that Bea at least told her work she was going out of town, maybe lying to her boss' face to get her time off on such short notice.

"Just unlock the phone."

"Okay, okay." Niko rolled her eyes, typing in the passcode she had seen Bea use before. However, the phone just buzzed, telling her it was an incorrect password. Nikoletta gave the phone a confused look, typing in the passcode again, knowing she put it in correctly the first time. But she got the same results. "Huh."

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