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The team was gathered around the computer consoles after a little while of Ramsey, Tej, and Archer doing their best to hack into the system to find out everything they could. Bea stood off to the side with Min Woo, leaning her arms on the console as she watched. It was interesting to watch the three computer geniuses work they way they worked together. They were three different personalities, but they worked swimmingly together.

"The firewall on this old thing is actually pretty good." Ramsey said.

"As I keep telling you." Archer said.

"But, you know, port scan, UDP message peek, pop to root shell, and..." Seconds later, Ramsey was in the system without any trouble. "Say hello to Project Aries." Bea stood straighter, arms still resting on the console.

"What is it?" Mia asked.

"It's what we got from Mr. Nobody's plane." Min Woo nodded as he looked at the project image. It looked exactly like what they had for a few minutes. They only just half of it though. "Or at least part of it." Tej stated.

"Aries was designed to override and assimilate anything that runs on code. Any computer anywhere. If it operates on zeros and ones, it's vulnerable. Aries can own it." Ramsey said.

"It can weaponize anything. Someone could burn your house down with your refrigerator if they wanted to." Tej said.

"Oh, so now my refrigerator's gonna kill me?" Roman asked.

"It could be made to." Ramsey said.

"How about my George Foreman grill or foot massager?" Roman joked. No one was laughing at Roman's joke – it really wasn't a joking matter. This project could kill millions if it was activated.

"Do you know how it feels to create something that could end the world?" Ramsey asked. Roman fell silent, shaking his head. "Well, I do. And this will." Beatriz had to hold her tongue to keep herself from laughing at Roman's reaction to Ramsey's question. "If you take Aries and upload it to a satellite, it'll spread like a virus. Then it'll be a matter of time before someone can control any weapon system – traditional, nuclear, stuff we haven't even seen yet – and just point it wherever they want. Jakob reboots the world order within minutes." Ramsey explained.

"Ares is the god of war, right?" Min Woo nodded at Tej. "If Jakob gets his hands on this, he'll be the god of damn near everything." Tej said.

"Because of how dangerous it was, the Aries prototype was recovered and split into two halves by Mr. Nobody. Both of which are worthless without the activation key. Jakob now has one of the pieces. He'll be going after the other half next. As for the key, it's... it's vanished." Ramsey stated.

"So we find it." Bea looked over at Dom. "If we're gonna beat Jakob to it, we're gonna have to split up. Roman, Tej, Min Woo," Min Woo looked at down with big eyes. "I know a couple of guys operating in Germany that could get us anythin' we need." Min Woo instantly smiled upon hearing who he was going to go see. It had been a few years since Min Woo saw Sean, Twinkie, and Earl, so it was going to be fun.

"I'm on it." Roman said.

"Wait, there's one more thing." Tej looked back at Bea. "Mr. Nobody's transmission had one name connected to the key. Archer's the one who found this," Archer couldn't look at Triz. "You guys are gonna wanna brace yourselves for this. Especially you, Triz." Beatriz gave Tej a confused look as he did a little bit of typing.

Bea's head turned to the large screen, face falling instantly. She moved away from the console, standing there to look at the picture of Han.

"No way." Letty shook her head.

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