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"Yeah, Letty, I can't believe it's been a year since Han and I moved here," Beatriz leaned against the couch, phone to her ear. She was smiling because this was the first time Letty actually called her. It was usually Mia who'd contact Bea and Han, Letty would come into the conversation halfway through. It was nice to hear only her sister's voice. "You said Dom has a surprise for you, right? Any ideas what he's plannin'?" Bea asked.

"I wish I knew, you know how much I hate surprises, Bea." Another reson why Beatriz was so happy was Letty remembered. That was why Letty was calling Bea, she was remembering all the memories she shared with Bea. They were coming in waves, and some things were still so fuzzy, but Letty was starting to remember. She still struggled to remember a lot of other details, but it would come back. If she was able to remember her sister and their past, along with other details from the last few years, Bea had no other thought than knowing her sister would get all her memories back.

It just would take time.

Bea laughed. "I'm aware." A memory entered Bea's head. "Do you remember-"

"When you brought home that stray dog that had all those fleas and ticks and our grandparents had to fumigate the entire house? Yeah, I remember. It was a surprise to see that mutt in our bedroom." Letty said.

Bea grinned. "You wanted a dog. I wanted to surprise you."

"Only to find out I'm allergic, and he was covered in fleas." Beatriz continued to smile, not saying a word. "What? Why are you so quiet now?"

"I'm just happy you remember that. I'm happy you remember a lot of things now." Beatriz just wished she was there to watch her sister remember all that. Being away from California was nice, she obviously loved Tokyo and being with Han, but Bea also wanted Letty around.

Letty sighed. "Yeah, but I still don't remember a shit ton, Bea. I still feel like I'm walking around eggshells around Dom, in particular." Letty explained.

Bea crossed her legs, looking up to see Han approaching her. "Well, your memories aren't going to come back in one big blast, Letty. It's not like in the movies. You'll remember who you are to Dom, and the rest of us." Beatriz said.

Letty sighed again. "I just feel like he's keeping somethin' from me, Bea."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know!" Yeah, that was a bad question to ask Letty. "He keeps... looking at me, almost like he wants to tell me somethin' but can't. It is fuckin' pissing me off. And every time I bring it up, he just changes the subject." Letty said.

Beatriz closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Yeah, that's Dominic Toretto." Bea commented. Her eyes opened quickly when Han pulled her onto his lap. "Wanna say hi?" Beatriz asked, passing the phone over to Han.

Han took the phone from Bea, "Hey Letty, you'll have to call back later. I'm stealing my girlfriend."

"Hello to you too, Han. I hope you are taking good care of my baby sister." Since Letty's memories of Bea were returning, that sense of sisterly protection came over her once again.

"Oh, I'm taking care of her." Han smirked.

"I meant in the sense of keeping her out of trouble, not sleeping with her." Letty commented.

Han looked at Bea, "I'm doin' both." Han made sure his expression didn't change as he looked at his girlfriend. Bea was running her fingers through his hair, resting nicely on his lap. Han was definitely protecting her right now, even though he really wanted to clue her in on what he was involved in. "And I'm surprised you didn't freak out about me sleeping with Bea." Han stated.

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