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Han and Beatriz had to enlist Gisele's help after two days of tailing Reyes. Every place Reyes went, he was heavily guarded and well protected. Today, thankfully, Reyes decided to go to a resort that was open to the public. Han and Bea stood by the bar, looking over at Reyes. Gisele was doing her thing, trying to get into the resort, seeing if she could get close to Reyes from the inside.

Beatriz sipped on her drink, wearing nothing but a two-piece bikini. She was staring at Reyes, counting the guards that were around him, and the guards that were hidden in plain sight. Reyes was taking every precaution necessary, knowing that Dom and Brian were on his ass, he just didn't know that Dom and Brian called for backup.

"I make six bodyguards."

"Seven." Beatriz looked at the guest Reyes was speaking with. "You think Fanny Pack Guy's a tourist?" Beatriz asked. "No tourist just stands there, not without the other guards watching him." She added.

Han didn't consider that. But he had another question in mind to ask Beatriz. "So, why do you hide your driving skills from the people you love?" Bea looked at Han.

A smirk appeared. "Why is the question, but I suspect there's more to that question than just that." Bea commented. "And by the time I hid it, you were probably quitting smoking." Bea added.

Han's face fell, not expecting Bea to pick up on that. "Trust me, it is obvious. The amount of snacks you've been eating since we met, it's the only way to keep your hands and mouth busy, huh?" Beatriz looked back at Reyes. "If I had to guess, a two-packs-a-day type of guy. Unfiltered." Bea looked back at Han with a smile.

Han said nothing, he just stared at Beatriz. Her smirk turned into a smile. "But to answer your question, I didn't want to be known as Letty's little sister." Beatriz picked up her glass. "Everyone expected me to be a good driver, 'cause... y'know, the Ortiz name alone, but seeing Letty racing, they already knew I'd be good." Beatriz explained.

Han never got along with his family, but he understood the whole "expecting to be like your sibling" thing. Bea just wanted to have her own life, but she'd get lumped with Letty. Now, Beatriz didn't regret being lumped with her sister, she actually adored it, it just came with complications. Especially expecting one thing and getting another.

"Did you and Letty ever race each other?"

"Oh, all the time." Bea said, sipping on her drink. "Letty and I would race down quiet streets or abandoned parking garages late at night when we were teenagers. Hell, the day I left home, Letty and I raced, I just couldn't beat her." Beatriz said.

"Do you want to?"

"No." Beatriz shook her head honestly. "I'd rather not beat Letty."

"What about Dom?"

Bea laughed. "No one can beat Dom." Beatriz never went up against Dom in a race before, and she really didn't want to do it either. Bea liked being a street racer, but that didn't mean she wanted to beat her family. "Dom is in a league of his own." Han knew that - hell, Dom got a car off of him in their very first race in Mexico.

Han went to ask her another question, but Gisele approached. She stood sideways to the bar, looking over at Reyes. "I couldn't get close. Nor were they allowing anyone in who didn't already have a reservation." Gisele stated.

Bea had an idea, and she wasn't going to run it by Han or Gisele.

"Well, this is a bust." Not yet. "We're not gonna be able to get his fingerprints out here." Beatriz finished her drink, setting it down onto the counter. "We need to do some more recon, call in a couple of extra guys." Han said.

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