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Beatriz trembled in Han's grasp. The tears rolled down her cheeks. The past five years have been hell for Bea, watching her sister have Dom, raise Little B, the jealousy did set in. But Han was alive - he had been alive this entire time and Beatriz didn't know it. All those times that Bea thought Han was alive, she just ignored them. She didn't want to bring that into her life.

Han could tell that Bix was in shock.

"Stay right there." Beatriz couldn't move even if she wanted to. Bea watched Han walked off, a bag in hand. Bea didn't know what was happening. The only thing she knew was that her legs gave out, making her land hard on the ground. Beatriz placed her hands over her mouth to keep herself from screaming.

The tears flowed down her cheeks, registering what was actually happening.

Han was alive.

All those little thoughts in the back of her mind saying that Han was alive – Bea was usually so good at listened to her intuition but with Han's "death," she couldn't. She just felt if she thought about Han being alive, she'd be disappointed in the outcome. And up until that point, Beatriz saw Han's car explode into flames, there was no way anyone was coming away from that. It wasn't a survivable car accident.

Bea couldn't believe it. It didn't feel real.

Bea sat in that alleyway, not knowing what was happening in the apartment. She had no idea that Jakob's men were following them – or Han for that matter. Han blocked her view because he knew that Beatriz would go help Letty and Mia. It wasn't until she heard the crashing of a body hitting the metal containers did Beatriz realize something happened.

Beatriz got to her feet, stumbled as she did. She didn't know something was happening in that apartment. Beatriz ran to Letty instantly to make sure her sister was okay. Letty was groaning in pain until she saw her sister's face. Bea was still crying - at first, Letty thought it was just too much for Beatriz. Her thoughts were cut off when she rolled in time to see more men coming after her.

Bea just stood there, staring blankly at the men until they went down. She looked towards the blue light that shined where Han was standing. He was being the sniper, protecting Letty. He shot at the other two men that came running once they noticed that two of their pals were shot down.

Beatriz helped Letty up from the ground as Mia and a young girl came running from the staircase. Bea didn't even bother to question what happened in that apartment. Bea was more concerned about Han – wanting to know everything.

Bea took off running without an explanation to Letty or Mia. However, when Letty was standing up with her help of her sister, she knew who shot those men. There was only one person who had that good of aim. Mia asked Letty if she was okay, but Letty didn't answer.

Mia's eyes widened when the sniper moved from the scope of the gun. "Holy shit."

Han quickly made his way down the stairs, catching Beatriz in the process. Han dropped the gun when Bea launched herself at him. Beatriz was still crying, but she was in now in Han's arms. Those five years were hell for both of them - Han hated lying to Bix. He hated he couldn't involved her in this mission. He suggested that Bea could just pretend that Han was dead. Even that would have been better than lying for five years.

Mr. Nobody said she couldn't be involved.

At least not yet.

And it looked like that day today that Bea and the others got involved. Han couldn't wait to find out why Bea was in Tokyo and who those men were.

Beatriz missed Han so fucking much. Moving on was extremely difficult. Roman and Tej did put her on dating apps, and she just let them sit there. They weren't pushing her to move on, but at the same time, they wanted Triz to get back out there when the time was right. It looked like neither of them were right about the dating apps, Beatriz just had to wait five years to hold Han again.

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