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Min Woo barely paid attention to the teacher as he sat in class. He had a sketch book out on his desk, head down and drawing out the specs for his car. Ever since Beatriz handed him the keys to Morimoto's old car, Min Woo had been coming up with different ideas for it. He never had his own car before, nor could he afford to get any of the enhancements he truly wanted for his car.

Unlike Twinkie, Min Woo wasn't into hustling to make some easy money. Min Woo did have a job at a convenience store nearby the garage but that only gave him so much. Min Woo wished he could do everything he wanted to the car, make it his own, but he couldn't. He did change the color of it, with the help of Bea and Han.

Min Woo looked down at his sketches, tapping the pencil against the sketch book.

He looked up when the bell rang for lunch. Min Woo grabbed his sketchbook, heading out of the classroom with his classmates. He didn't get far before Twinkie was next to him, backpack against his chest. Min Woo looked over at his friend, seeing what he was hustling today. "You got some new stuff," Min Woo commented.

"Gotta keep things fresh, Woo." Twinkie said. Min Woo closed his sketchbook, heading down the hall with Twinkie. "So, did you hear we got a new kid?" Twinkie asked.

Min Woo shook his head. "You know my class is the last to know shit." Min Woo stated. Twinkie shrugged his shoulders. "No, I didn't know we got a new kid. Have you met 'im?" Min Woo asked.

Twinkie shook his head. "Not yet. Bet we'll meet him durin' lunch."

"What class?"

"Heard he's in Neela's."

"She always get the new kids." Min Woo shook his head as Twinkie and Min Woo entered the cafeteria. Min Woo got in line with Twinkie. Twinkie was looking around, looking for the new kid. "So, is the new kid a foreign like me, or a foreign like you?" Min Woo asked.

"American." Twinkie grabbed a tray. "There he is." Min Woo looked to the side, seeing the new kid sitting by himself. It was pretty obviously to spot the new kids - usually they either had no idea how to use chopsticks or they didn't understand Japanese lunches. Min Woo could tell he was out of his element, probably a military kid, the school was near the military base if the parents didn't want their kids to go to school on base.

Min Woo followed Twinkie, heading over to the new kid. "Japanese food is like the Army." The new kid looked at Twinkie as he sat down. Min Woo went around the table, sitting across from the new kid. "Don't ask, don't tell."

The new kid just looked at the food before eating more of it without questioning what he was eating.

"Name's Twinkie, and that's Woo."

"Min Woo." He rolled his eyes at Twinkie. He sighed, knowing it was probably pointless to introduce himself to the new kid.

"Hey, I noticed you ain't have a laptop." Twinkie said, pulling out a laptop from his bag.

The new kid looked back at Twinkie, seeing the laptop in front of him. "Yeah?"

"I'll hook you up." Min Woo sighed again. "Half price."

"Naw, I'm cool."

"60% off. Hm? Since we're both army brats and everythin'." Twinkie said.

"Twink, what are you aiming for?" Min Woo chuckled. "I thought you had everything you needed for the Hulk." Min Woo commented.

"Can't be too caution. What if somethin' comes up? The Hulk is leaning towards the right lately." Twinkie said.

"Yeah, that's 'cause you can't drive for shit." Min Woo smirked. Twinkie flipped him off. Min Woo snickered, beginning to eat his lunch.

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