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Beatriz stood between Tej and Dom, looking over the Los Angeles skyline. She was back in Los Angeles after Dom and Brian's failed attempt to get Shaw. In the process of that, they lost God's Eye. And it turned out that Sheppard wasn't on Mr. Nobody's side after all - the team was just batting a thousand right now. And now, they were taking the fight to the streets they knew and loved. The streets of Los Angeles were home for four of them. Beatriz knew this fight wasn't over until they stopped God's Eye from being used against them instead of for them.

"I'm all for wingin' it, but this is crazy, man," Roman said. "We got mercenaries with some real heat on us. I mean, I ain't scared or nothing, but, man, I don't even have a gun." Roman said.

Dom looked over at Roman, "Gun?" He repeated. "We got a whole city."

"And we may have more than that. If they use God's Eye, it'll tap the cameras around town to find our location, which means we could plant a virus." Tej stated.

"And then break in when they access it." Ramsey smiled while Tej nodded. "So you're talking about hacking my hacking device." Tej just looked at Ramsey. It's brilliant."

"Yeah, but there's one problem. The signal strength. We can't start a hack on 'em until they're within a two-mile range." Tej said.

"That's really close." Letty commented.

"Close? These guys are military. If they're within two miles of us, we're already dead. I don't know about y'all, but I didn't really plan on dyin' today." Roman said as he checked his watch.

"One only way to stay alive. We play keep-away with Ramsey." Brian said.


"They can't hit us if we keep movin'." Brian said.

Dom looked at Beatriz before moving forward. "And I'll take Shaw." Beatriz continued to look at the skyline, trying not to think about Shaw. Dom promised she wouldn't have to see him, he was going to keep his promise.

"So, basically, we're just gearin' up for a big game of hot potato, huh?" Tej said.

"And which car is the potato?" Ramsey asked.

"Girl, you're the potato." Ramsey's face fell, not liking the idea of being said potato.

"Tej, you got a citywide on that scanner?" Brian asked.

Tej rolled his eyes. "Brian, let me tell you somethin'. Don't ever doubt your boy." Bea chuckled as she turned her head to watch Tej walk over to his car. "This is me you're talkin' to."

"Humor me, Tej."

Keir approached Beatriz. "You've been quiet since we left Abu Dhabi, are you okay?" Even three years after their breakup, Keir still worried about her. It was nice to see, but no, Bea wasn't okay. She was still scared.

Bea took a deep breath, "Ask me that after Dom takes down Shaw."

"Not you?"

"I can't, Keir," Bea shook her head slowly. Keir was waiting for Beatriz to admit to herself that she couldn't go after Shaw, she wasn't the type of person to do that. Han didn't fall for a revengeful person. Beatriz Ortiz was a lot of things, but taking revenge wasn't something she cared to do. He was happy to see that Bea came to the same conclusion as everyone else, she wouldn't be able to face Shaw, no matter how big and bad her words were. "I am needed behind the wheel, making sure Miss Potato doesn't get caught." Beatriz said, a small smile appearing on her face.

"That's the Bea I know." Keir looked around. "I'm gonna stay at the hospital with Hobbs."

Beatriz placed her hands on her hips. "Bowing yourself out?"

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