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Beatriz sat in one of the cars that Tej caught, she was holding onto the steering wheel. She was moving it gently, letting her mind wander. She looked to the passenger seat when Dom climbed in. He closed the door behind him, looking at Bea. Beatriz didn't have to say anything, Dom knew what she was thinking, it was the same thing he was thinking.

"How are you and Han?" Dom asked, avoiding talking about Letty for the time being.

"We're good." Bea let her hands drop onto her lap. She nodded, "We're good." She repeated.

Dom gave her a look that she understood all too well. It was a look that she was used to when she was younger. Dom was always the older brother she wished she had. When Letty and Dom started dating, Bea was so happy 'cause that meant she could spend ever more time with the crew. But that also meant that Dom treated her like his little sister, protecting her and showing her the ropes.

Dom was actually the one who taught her to drive.

But he also knew when Bea was lying.

"I'm serious."

"I know you aren't lyin' about that, but you are lyin' about somethin'." Dom pointed out.

Bea sighed. She looked out the driver's side window, checking for more races. "Han asked if I ever thought about settling down." Bea said.

Dom knew that conversation all too well. Letty and him had that exact conversation in the DR. Hearing it come out of Han's mouth didn't shock him, per se, it just made him realize that everyone had similar ideas. It was just happy that Han and Bea acted upon their feelings - he was half-expecting Beatriz to just run off after getting her millions. Dom always knew Han was the type to want to settle down somewhere, get married, have children. And if he wanted to that with Beatriz, he had Dom's approval.

"You don't say."

"I couldn't answer him." Dom looked at Bea. "Mainly because somebody called the cops on us." Beatriz teased, making Dom chuckle.

"It was all Gisele's idea."

Bea playfully rolled her eyes, she did know that. Gisele said it straight to their faces. Bea's smile fell. "Settling down and I... we don't mix, Dom. I tried it before." Beatriz was scared. "Keir and I were engaged, and I grew bored. What if-"

Dom shook his head, "Bryne and you... it was nice while it lasted, right?" Bea nodded her head, closing her mouth, allowing Dom to speak. "You said you two fell out of love, right?" Bea nodded once. "What about you and Han?" Dom asked.

"What about us?"

"You know exactly what I'm talkin' about, Bea." Dom said.

"I'm scared." Beatriz answered honestly. "I'm scared that Han and I will be like Keir and I were. Growing bored of each other." Bea said.

Dom reached over, he grabbed a hold of Bea's head. He leaned over, kissing her temple. "You don't have to worry 'bout that." Dom knew that Bea was scared, one failed engagement could do that to a person. It was okay for Beatriz to be scared of what her future held. She was with Keir throughout some important years of her life. Han was an unexpected surprise.

Dom noticed right away that Han was looking at Beatriz, but it wasn't until he overheard Han's "I think I'm in love" that he gently pushed Han and Bea together. He knew that Han and Bea wouldn't grow bored of each other. "Han loves you. So much." Dom said.

From the postcards and the letters from Bea and Han during their travels, along with the gifts, Dom knew that Han adored Beatriz and would do anything for her. Even protect her. Dom heard about Han's saving her from getting killed outside of the Interpol office. He threw himself out there, risking his own life.

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