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"I can't believe you made me pick a car."

"Oh, stop being a baby."

"I'm not a driver like you guys."

"Oh, I know that." Bea commented as she looked as the base through the binoculars. "You were passenger princess the entire time we were in Puerto Rico together." Tej and Roman looked in Beatriz's direction. Roman had a smirk on his face as Keir wanted the ground to open up and take him. "Outside of about five times, and one of those times you were taking me to the ER, you left the driving up to me." Bea explained.

Keir closed his eyes.

Min Woo snickered. "Really, Agent Byrne?"

"Shut up."

Beatriz nodded. "I didn't show off my racing skills to Keir, but anytime we needed to do something together, even get to the university, I drove." Beatriz said.

"I do have my license."

"And how many points have you collected over the years?" Bea smirked.

Keir grumbled under his breath. "I am so happy we never got married." Bea snickered as she continued to look at the base.

"You made it up here just fine, even breaking the speed limit, I think you'll be fine for the rest of the mission." Bea added as she lowered the binoculars. Keir snatched them from Bea's hands to look at the base for himself. He didn't need another else talking about his shitty driving.

Roman wasn't done though. "You were gonna marry a shitty driver, Triz?" Keir lowered the binoculars, glaring at Roman. "I thought you had better taste than that." Roman teased. Keir lifted up his hand, flipping Roman off.

Bea reached into her pocket, pulling out the hand gun. She checked it over before loading it. "I can't believe you still have that thing." Keir commented.

"Hey, Hobbs hasn't taken it off me yet." Bea said as she snapped the clip into it. She looked over at Keir. "You gave it to me, I plan on keeping it until the day I can't." Beatriz shrugged.

"Don't say I never gave you anything," Keir said as he looked back at the base. They were sitting on the mountain for longer than any of them would like to actually admit. It was freezing and they almost hoped that Dom didn't show up. However, they knew that Cipher would want this base hit sooner or later, beating Dom to Russia and sitting and waiting for him was a better option than knowing Cipher was taking whatever she was taking.

"I'm freezing, man. This ain't for me. I come from a different kind of lifestyle, bruh. Ladies know me. They know where I'm at with it." Min Woo looked over at Roman, trying to figure out what the fuck he was talking about. "I tried to take a piss, I didn't even recognize myself." Roman said.

The group kneeling the snow by Roman looked in his direction. Thankfully, it was Tej who told him what everyone was thinking. "Man, that's entirely too much information." Tej complained.

"I'm just sayin'."

Min Woo covered his face with his gloved hands. "You didn't need to tell us that your dick was frozen solid, Rome." Min Woo groaned. "The mental image is going to be burned into my brain forever!" Roman reached over, smacking Min Woo upside the head. Min Woo flinched as he lowered his hands.

"Well, one thing's for sure. Dom's gotta be either working with them or making a trade, because no one would be this insane to hit this place without a damn army." Little Nobody said.

Archer snickered, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Letty commented.

Hobbs lifted the binoculars up to the road coming up on the base. "Speak of the devil."

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