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Bea was a zombie when Keir got them to his hotel room. She was sitting on Keir's bed as he tended to her head wound. Beatriz was just sitting there, not saying a word. The only thing she was doing was silently crying. The tears hadn't stopped yet - Keir was surprised she still had tears to shed from the sobs she was doing at the accident site and when they got the hell away from there. Beatriz was still crying while staring blankly.

She didn't even flinch when Keir cleaned her wound on her face.

He still had to tend to her fist and palms, but one problem at a time. As Keir was tending to Bea's head, his phone rang. He looked over to the desk before walking over to it. Keir put the call on speaker again, not thinking. "What, Elena?" He asked as he walked back over to Bea. "Kind of busy."

"A bomb went off at 1327." Keir's head snapped to the phone. His eyes slowly moved back to Beatriz who had snapped out of her zombie-like state. "Everyone's okay, no one was in the house." Elena could hear the silence, but she continued to speak. "Hobbs wants you home."

"Al-all right." Keir stammered out. He looked at Beatriz. "I'll book the next flight out." Keir was surprised that Bea was keeping her mouth shut. He walked over to the phone, he took the call off speaker, "Elena," he cleared his throat "There's been an accident in Tokyo"

Elena sighed. "Is that where you are?"

"Han's been killed." Keir looked to the hotel room door, Bea had slammed it as she left in a hurry. "And you just said all that to Bea."

"Oh God."

Beatriz fled the hotel, running for her life. She didn't care where she went, she just needed to escape. Bea felt sick - having Han's death flash before her eyes every time she closed for them for any length of time to hear that a home she cared about was destroyed. Thankfully no one was in the house, but that meant someone was after them like Keir first suggested. Bea didn't want to believe it.

Bea hissed when her knees hit the ground, scraping them up badly. She pushed herself up against the wall of the building, clamping her eyes shut. Even with the flashes of the accident recurring across her lids, Bea couldn't stop herself from seeing those images over and over and over again.

Bea did open her eyes again when she heard a car pulling up next to her. Min Woo looked down at Bea, gesturing his head for her to get into the car. Beatriz sat there a moment before getting up and round the car. Min Woo took off, not saying a word to Bea. They sat in silence the whole way to Reiko's place. The crew planned on hiding out there until they got word about what was happening.

Min Woo drove down an alleyway, stopping to look at Beatriz. They weren't far from Reiko's home, but Min Woo could tell that Bea wasn't doing well. Min Woo turned the car off, letting them sit in silence for a little bit. But Min Woo needed to know what happened back there.

"Han's dead." Min Woo's head snapped to Bea. Min Woo didn't need to hear anything else, he just started the car back up and headed straight to Reiko's.

Reiko was standing outside, waiting for Min Woo to come back. He said he was going to go out and look for anyone. Coming back with just Bea concerned her, but she was also concerned about the blood that was on Bea. Earl came out of the house, watching Reiko lead Bea in.

"What happened?"

"Han's dead." Min Woo said.

"You know, I'm fluent in Japanese. Speaking it won't do shit." Bea responded back. Min Woo snapped his mouth shut, not realizing that Bea actually could speak Japanese that well. He knew she could speak it, but he didn't realize she was fluent. "I don't wanna talk about it." Beatriz was pushed into a chair for Reiko to tend to her wounds on her hands. "Reiko."

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