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Min Woo looked at the time on his phone, sighing heavily. Elle and Min Woo were waiting on Triz and Han who were taking their sweet time upstairs. Ever since they came back to the states, Han and Beatriz really did do that "settle down" shit that they both wanted. Min Woo wasn't sure if it was actually going to happen, but little did he know that they'd actually do it.

The last couple of days, Min Woo had been helping move the new family into a house that Han and Triz bought. The only two requirements that Han wanted in a house was a nice backyard and a large enough garage for several cars. Triz knew the housing market due to her degree, she got them the best place, barely cracking into her millions she still had stored.

Last night was their first official night in the house – and now they were going to take a break and head over to 1327. With Dom and Letty back in California, realizing that hiding wasn't for them, not matter the cost, everyone was helping to pitch in to rebuild the family home. Today was the annual Sunday dinner with everyone since Roman and Tej were finally back home from space.

Which was still a weird thing to even say.

But it was also nice to know that Sean, Earl, and Twinkie were visiting from Germany for the next couple of weeks. Min Woo had plans already made with them to show them around CalTech, his apartment, and of course, the racing world in LA. He was excited to show them his new world.

Min Woo checked the time again while he stood in the living room that was off the stairs. Elle and Min Woo were waiting ever so patiently for Han and Triz. It wasn't like there was an exact time they had to arrive to the dinner, but... "They better not be fucking." Min Woo said, sighing again.

Elle giggled. "They're making up for last time."

Min Woo knew that. Ever since Han came back, Triz and Han were certainly making up for lost time. It was five years without each other, they were definitely making the most of those lost five years in a short amount of time. And he couldn't fault them for that – he saw how badly Triz was doing without Han, thinking he was really dead. It was hard for him to see Triz go down that path, not matter how much she tried not to show it.

"If they keep going at it like rabbits, we are going to have a sibling before we know it." Min Woo said, rolling his eyes.

Elle grinned. "Aw, a baby Triz or a baby Han, won't that be adorable?" Elle teased, knowing that Min Woo wasn't fond of children. He never wanted children, nor did he want a relationship.

"You are just trying to piss me off?"

"That's what little sisters do." Elle shrugged as a smirk appeared on her face. Han and Triz didn't know what happened but Elle and Min Woo just fit together instantly, maybe it was because they were able to spend five years with the other person, one-on-one so they could tell the other all the secrets of the other person. Triz wasn't sure how Min Woo would handle being around Elle considering it had been only him and Beatriz for the past five years, but she was surprised to see how close Elle and Min Woo actually got in a short amount of time.

That made Min Woo think, "When do you think Han's gonna propose?" He leaned his shoulder against the wall.

Elle shrugged. "Soon, I hope." Elle ran her hand through her hair. "I honestly thought he would have proposed as soon as we came home." Elle said.

"Is the bet still on?"

Elle nodded. "Ramsey's the one with the highest bet." Elle pulled out her phone to look over the bets from the team. There was a betting pool set up about how long before either Triz got pregnant or Han actually popped the question. At first, Elle thought it was tacky, but then she started to wonder when Han was actually going to propose. He told her all about the ring and that he was scared of proposing to Triz back when he was "alive". Elle became invested after that.

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