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Keir sat in front of his laptop in the hotel room, he was looking over the security footage from the entrance of the black site hospital. Keir was finally able to get that footage after a long while trying to get his hands on it. As he was zooming through the footage, his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, a thought crossed his mind.

"What can I do for you, Elena?"

"Sorry to interrupt your vacation," Keir did tell his coworkers that he was taking vacation time. They just didn't know where he was or who he was visiting. "There's been an attack at the office." Keir's back straightened in the chair, eyes locked on the security footage, but he wasn't processing what he was currently seeing. "Hobbs is in the hospital." Elena stated.

"Oh God. What happened?"

"Check your email. The file should be there."

Keir ran his finger across the trackpad, going straight to his email. The security footage was repeating in the background as Keir brought up the file. As soon as he clicked on the file, he saw the person he was seeing on the security footage. "Oh no." He brought his hand up to his mouth. "Tell me exactly what happened." Keir set the phone down, putting it on speaker.

He started rushing to get ready for the day. He hadn't planned on seeing Beatriz and Han today, but seeing who was behind the attack at the DSS office, he needed to tell them. Elena began to explain to Keir what happened, filling in with information from Hobbs once she was allowed to see him. Keir wished he was wrong, but according to Elena, after she went back to check to see what Deckard Shaw was looking for, she found out he found out Han's location.

While Sean was still practicing his drifting, he asked Bea if they could race. Bea couldn't turn down a race with someone like Sean. Bea saw how good Sean actually was, and she did want to race him to find out for herself. It was one thing to see somebody drive and win, so Bea wanted to experience Sean's racing skills for herself.

The others were lounging around, entertaining themselves while Sean and Beatriz raced. Sean did get in front of Beatriz turning one of the turns, but Bea was able to move around him quickly, zooming up the hill and around the obstacles that were in the way to help Sean with his drifting. Bea moved around the obstacles before pulling up next to Han.

Han was sitting in a chair, feet resting on the table with a comic book in hand. Twinkie was sitting on the couch, playing a video game while Bea and Sean raced. "Boy needs to chill." He said, not even bothering to look up from his game.

Bea turned the car off, climbing out. "He's gettin' good."

"He can't beat you though."

"Yeah, well, you haven't beaten me either." Bea said, running her hands through Han's hair.

Han glanced up at her, leaning his head back. "Maybe I don't want to." He smirked before looking back down at the comic book.

Sean slammed the Evo's door shut, looking at the tires he was going through like water. "Hey Twink, I'm gonna grab another set." Sean said. Twinkie panicked, dropping his video game device. He climbed over the table, jumping over Han's extended legs. Han picked up the beer next to him, sipping at it as Bea's head followed Twinkie before shaking her head.

"Another set?" Twinkie asked. "No. Look, that was your third set today. I mean, them tires ain't cheap." Twinkie stated.

Min Woo turned his head when he heard the familiar sounds of DK's engine, along with his buddies. They were speeding to their location. Bea dropped her hand from Han's head. Han stood up from where he was sitting, walking over to Takashi, trying to distract him. "DK, grab a chair. We're about to roast some marshmallows." Takashi only had one thing on his mind.

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