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The team gathered around to find out what happened and why Han did all this for the past five years. He knew the team would have a shit ton of questions, and honestly Han had his own questions he wished he asked Mr. Nobody or could ask now. Some of the details of why he was doing this were filled in by Bix, but there were still many questions he had.

Roman sighed as he walked over to Han with a beer. "I'm just still tryin' to figure out... how are you still alive?" Roman asked.

Han took the beer from him, glancing over at Bix. "Well, after Gisele died... I felt responsible." Beatriz looked at Han with a confused look on her face. It was Gisele who sacrificed herself to save Han. "And Bix didn't show it, but I knew she was hurting, which made me feel even more responsible for Gisele's death. I didn't know what to do." Han said honestly.

Bea closed her eyes. She wished Han told her all that – she didn't know Han felt like he caused Gisele's death. He didn't, but Bea assued that watching his girlfriend's best friend die when he was had a good grasp on her did do something to his own mental health. It didn't help when he told Bea about Gisele's death.

"Absolutely." Roman nodded. "But can you get to the part where the car exploded and you're still alive?" Roman asked.

Min Woo looked over at Roman, shaking his head.

"Roman, can you... can you just be quiet for one minute?" Tej asked.

Han looked at Beatriz. "We made plans. We had dreams." Bea gave a small smile. "You led me there, Bix, and I wasn't even lookin' for it. But it became home. Then one day, Mr. Nobody came callin'." Han said.

Bea couldn't wait to hear this part of the story.

"He worked with Gisele, down in Mexico." Bea knew Mexico had more to do with this entire store. "He said Gisele was one of his best."

"Gisele was one of his agents?" Mia asked.

Han shrugged. "I guess. He never really clarified." Han sighed as he looked back at Bea. "He said he lost her."

"Lost her?" Roman repeated. "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Nobody said he lost many assets over the years, but never like Gisele. She loved Bix." Beatriz felt her heart break. "Gisele cared so much about Bix that she was willing to just walk away from Mr. Nobody. But before she left, she made him promise not to let Bix get involved with the Agency or him, so he offered me a job instead." Han explained.

Keir looked at Han. "Why you?"

Han turned his head in Keir's direction. "He saw the work we all did, he saw what I did with Gisele. He said he saw that she trusted me and Bix, which meant he could trust me." Han shrugged. After that, Han explained what Mr. Nobody wanted him to do – at the time, Han was still lost and decided to go ahead and do the job for Mr. Nobody, thinking it wouldn't end up the way it did. "And all I knew was that I had to steal some tech from the home of a scientist couple. But as usual, Mr. Nobody didn't tell me everything." Han stated.

Min Woo scoffed. "Sounds familiar."

"In fact, he left out the most important part." Han looked over at Elle who was sitting on his right.

Elle looked at Han before taking a deep breath to tell her side of the story. "I was eleven. My parents would take me to the movies on Saturdays if I tried hard in school during the week. I was so excited to go I forgot my raincoat, so I went back in. At first, I didn't see it. By the time I looked out the window..." Elle paused for a moment, feeling the tears well up in her eyes. "Mom and dad were gone." Elle said.

"Turns out I wasn't the only one looking for this thing." Han stated. Beatriz didn't know what to say – the entire story was heartbreaking yet interesting. But one thing was for sure, Mr. Nobody really needed to work on his communication skills.

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