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Beatriz stared at herself in the mirror, smoothing down the fabric of the dark blue dress. It was Ramsey who convinced her to buy that dress the moment she came out of the dressing room to show it off to Letty and Ramsey. Bea didn't like the color blue, yet this was the second time she had to deal with it.

The first time was with Han and the car she bought.

Now she was in a dark blue strapless dress.

Beatriz sighed. She was thinking about Han, yet again. He would never not be on her mind for the rest of the mission until Shaw was either dead or in handcuffs. Just thinking about him in a suit like the rest of the guys made her wish she got to see him like that. There were very few times that Bea actually see Han dress up nicely, there were a couple of times where they had nice dinners during their travels, but most of the time, the clothes were on the floor before they even got to enjoy each other in them.

"Bea, hurry up!"

That sounded eerily familiar.

Bea grabbed her heels that were sitting on the counter by the sink. She walked out of the bathroom, putting her heels on. "Impatient." Beatriz commented.

Letty was already dressed in the red dress she picked out. Beatriz looked around, seeing they were still waiting on Ramsey to finish getting ready. "Damn, you look hot." Letty said.

Beatriz looked down at the dress. "God, I hate this color."

"Well, the red didn't fit you."

There were some incidents where Bea would forget she had a sister. It was mainly because of the years away from each other, where Bea pretended she wasn't close to her family. But then there were times like Letty saying that the red dress didn't fit her where Beatriz just wanted to smack her sister/

"You think you are the only one who's uncomfortable in this thing?" Letty asked. "When have I ever worn a dress like this?"

"Never that I've seen. You didn't go to prom."

"You know proms suck."

Beatriz rolled her eyes. "Outside of the occasional sundresses or anything skin tight, formal is not your cup of tea." Beatriz commented. "No, you normally wore a dress in order to get sex after 'cause you know what dresses do to Dom." Beatriz smirked.

Letty wasn't gonna lie, that was exactly why she wore dresses on occasion, just like her sister said. It was even rarer for Letty to be in a dress unless the heat was killer or she wanted somethin' from Dom. As Letty was fixing up her hair, she noticed something on Bea's hand that wasn't just the rings they shared. "Bea, what's on your hand?" Beatriz was in the middle of picking something off the desk when Letty noticed the gold ring on her sister's hand.

Letty didn't know why she didn't see it before. It was very abnormal for Beatriz to wear jewelry as it was, outside of the ring she stole from Claire's over a decade ago. Letty had the shared ring on still since Bea gave it to her at the airport, but the other ring was so obvious now that Letty saw it up close.

Beatriz snapped her hand behind her back, "What ring?"

"Don't play with me,"

"I don't know what you're talkin' about," Beatriz said innocently, still hiding her left hand behind her back. Letty was able to grab her sister's wrist, pulling her hand from behind her back. "Ow, ow! Letty, careful!" Bea said as she winced at the pain.

Letty took a real look at the ring this time. Letty looked at her sister, realizing what the ring was. "Bea-"

"It's not what you think,"

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