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The last time Bea did the walk of shame was back in college. It was her second or third date with Keir, and no one knew at the time. She was living in an apartment with Nikoletta at the time - thinking Niko wasn't home, Beatriz walked into the apartment, only to find Niko still up, working on a project for class. The walk and the look on Nikoletta's face were burned into Beatriz's memory.

Walking into Safar's garage felt exactly like that night.

She didn't know the walk of shame could be involved with a successful, yet failure of a mission. They got the drive, but the damage they left behind. And by they, Bea meant Dom left behind. The supercar was completely destroyed and they were probably wanted by the Arabian police now.

What else was new?

"Ah, there they are." And Safar's tone wasn't something Beatriz wanted to deal with right now. "Disaster."

"I'm sorry." Ramsey apologized.

"I get you an invite to the most exclusive party in Abu Dhabi."

"Safar, I-"

Safar cut Ramsey's off. "No, no, no. You steal the host's car, and you jump it between two buildings." Safar said.

"Actually, it was three buildings." Brian corrected.

"Oh! Two, insult. Three, honor. My bad." Safar shrugged. "You got a guest, Ramsey."

"Guest-" Ramsey turned as a head popped around the shelving unit. The young blonde peered around the shelf, a smile on her face. "Archer." Archer made her way from around the shelving unit, giving Ramsey a big hug. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing?" Archer questioned, tilting her head when they broke apart. Archer crossed her arms, an amused look appearing on her face. "Did you seriously just steal from a Jordanian prince? And steal his car?" Archer asked.

Ramsey cleared her throat before turning to the team. "This is a friend of mine. Archer, this is-"

"Dominic Toretto." Archer looked at Ramsey before looking back at the team. "Letty and Beatriz Ortiz, Brian O'Conner, Tej Parker, and Roman Pearce." Archer rattled off. She shrugged when she looked at Keir and Min Woo. "Don't know those two."

"And you know us, how?" Brian asked.

"Archer's a hacker." Ramsey looked at Archer. "Did you follow me?"

"You didn't return my messages, I got worried. So I tracked your location." Archer shrugged, a smile appearing on her face. Ramsey sighed, shaking her head. "What?" Archer held up her hands.

"Well, well, well," Archer looked over her shoulder as someone approached from behind.

Bea pinched the bridge of her nose.

First, the feeling of the walk of shame, and now Mr. Nobody comes in like the disapproving father. What else was new?

"I have to say you've got an interesting interpretation there of lowkey, Mr. Toretto." Mr. Nobody said as he approached. "You know, Dom, I thought we had an understanding." He added.

"Sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt." Dom said.

"Well, that's why I prefer to be the dealer." Mr. Nobody looked at Safar. "Good night." Safar just stood there until Sheppard gestured his head for Safar to get the real reason Mr. Nobody was saying good night.

"Ah." Safar sighed. "I'm getting kicked out of my own garage."

"You too, Miss Archibald." Archer's head snapped to Mr. Nobody. Archer huffed, following at Safar. Keir watched her leave - that name sounded familiar.

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