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Han decided to wait to tell everything what happened and why he faked his death. It was easier than explaining it multiple times, even if Bix, Letty, and Mia all had their own questions. It was just better to have everyone around to answer those questions. Han just wanted those nine hours with Bix. It wouldn't make up for the five years he was gone, but they had enough time for that later on.

He did get a rundown on everything that had happened up until that point. Like who those men were who were after him and Elle, why the girls came to Tokyo in the first place, and how they started this mission. It was quite the story leading up to all this – and Han was just happy he didn't have to hide anymore. It was starting to become difficult.

Bix and Han were given time alone to talk about what happened between Han's "death" and now. It was a lot of information to go through. She had to update him all about Sean and Min Woo and her life. Letty took Elle to talk to her in private with Mia.

Beatriz sat between Han's legs, tilting her head back with a smile. "I'm gonna kill Mr. Nobody."

"Trust me, I thought about it." Han was playing with Bix's hair. It was something he used to do when they were together. It was just something he did whenever Bix was close to him. "So, nobody knows where he is?" Bix shook her head. "Are we sure he isn't dead?" Han asked.

"Considering you're not, I can't even say for sure anyone we previously interacted with is dead." Beatriz moved until she was standing on front of Han. His hands went to her hips, pulling her in. "Hell, I'm not even sure if anybody we've killed won't come back as a zombie."

"I quit if zombies become a thing." Han joked as he rested his head against Bix's stomach. "God, I missed you." Bix ran her fingers through Han's short hair, there was a smile on her face that wouldn't go away. "How's the crew?"

"Which one?"


Bea chuckled. "Sean, Twinkie, and Earl moved to Germany shortly after graduating. Working for the government now, testing and experimenting on cars." Beatriz said as Han lifted his head up to look at Bea. "Reiko has an internship in New York this fall to finish off her schooling, which is awesome for her." Han smiled. "Sean and Neela broke up about a year into him moving to Germany, I guess they couldn't make the long distance work." Bix shrugged.

"And Min Woo?"

Bix grinned. "Going to CalTech, he graduates next year." Han was surprised to hear that, he would have thought that he would have gone to Germany with the others. "And he's an Ortiz now." Han tilted his head in confusion. "With some help from DSS, I legally adopted Min Woo a few months after we returned to the States." Bix explained.

Han chuckled. Bix and him had very similar ideas about the kids they took care of. He did the same for Elle about two years into taking care of her. "And here I joked about you adopting him." Han was happy to hear that Bix wasn't alone the entire time he was gone, she had Min Woo. Han knew how much Min Woo cared for Beatriz, he was excited to see the kid again.

"You'll barely recognize him." Bea chuckled. "The tattoos alone make him look so different, but he's still the same Min Woo." Beatriz said.

Han sighed heavily, resting his head against Bea's stomach again. His arms wrapped around her. He missed a lot of time with Bix – he'd never get those years back. Han was going to have to make it up to Bix for the rest of his life. Those five years were hell for Han, hiding the fact he was alive from Bix really killed him. He was haunted by her cries at the car accident sight. Those nightmares were the worst.

"But you'll like Ramsey and Archer." Han lifted his head up again to look at his girlfriend. "They are nice additions to the team." Beatriz's hand moved from Han's hair, resting on his cheek. Her thumb gently rubbed against it.

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