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Bea had a hard time not staring at her sister. She was sitting across from her, confused and dazed. Dom was able to save Letty before she was killed by Shaw. Bea didn't see it happen, but according to Dom and Brian, Shaw literally tossed Letty off the tank - and if it wasn't for Dom, Letty would have been killed. Beatriz knew her sister was confused, especially knowing that Dom saved her from a near death experience.

"Are you going to talk to her?" Han whispered.

Bea shook her head instantly. She couldn't talk to Letty, not right now. Bea didn't need to confuse her sister any more than she already was.

"I can't believe they stole a 70-ton tank for a three-ounce computer chip." The commander said.

"That three-ounce computer chip is more deadly than 1,000 of those tanks." Hobbs said.

Keir noticed the commander walking forward, looking over at Letty. "What about her?" Keir turned his head, watching the team move from where they were previously sitting. Bea moved quickly, standing in front of the staircase, crossing her arms.

"Not her." Dom said.

"She was working with Shaw."

"Was, but she's always been one of us." Dom said.

"Let's give them a minute." Hobbs said. Bea looked over her shoulder at Letty, she was definitely confused. She didn't know who anyone was, yet they were willing to protect her. It was a lot to take in.

Keir watched Bea for a moment before he walked off to follow Hobbs.

Beatriz took a deep breath, turning around to look at Letty. She was trying not to let her emotions get the better of her but seeing Letty again, tearing up was impossible. Letty's eyes fell on the necklace that Bea was wearing - Dom showed her that chain after their race. There was a small part of her that recognized that ring, but it was only a blimp. Letty had no idea where or why it looked familiar.

Bea took another deep breath before addressing her sister. "I know you don't know who I am." Letty looked at Beatriz. "I just... I want to give you back your ring." Beatriz reached behind, unclasping the chain. She dropped the two rings into the palm of her hand. Beatriz looked for the specific one that had Letty's first initial on the inside.

Beatriz picked up the ring, holding it out to Letty. "You don't have to wear it, I just want to give it back." Bea stated. She didn't expect her sister to wear the ring, she hoped that maybe one day if Letty got all her memories back, but for the time being, she could just hold onto it.

"But it's yours."

Bea shook her head. "I, uh, I gave it to you when we were younger. That one's yours." Beatriz gave a small smile. Bea dropped the ring into Letty's hand. "I'm gonna be over there with Han." Bea wasn't sure why she said that, but if Letty needed her for whatever reason, she was going to be next to Han.

Letty nodded slowly. "Han..." she whispered. The name sounded familiar. "What's yours?"

"Everyone calls me Bea."

"Bea." Letty said slowly. Beatriz's heart literally clenched hearing her sister say her name for the first time in four years. Bea kept the smile on her face until she turned away. She had to quickly wipe her eyes before she walked over to Han who was sitting on the stairs.

"Let's go proces Shaw and his crew." Hobbs said. Keir was trailing behind Hobbs and Hicks but his eyes were locked on Hicks. "I've never looked more forward to filling out paperwork in my life." Hobbs added.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm the one who was doin' it." Keir said under his breath.

Keir stood behind Hobbs, watching as Shaw leaned back against the bench. There was a smug look on his face, something Keir didn't like too much. That feeling in the pit of his stomach returned.

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