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Han had never seen Beatriz so silent.

The entire 14 hour flight from Hong Kong to London was Beatriz not uttering a word. Han didn't blame her - having Dom tell her that her sister was alive was more than just shocking. Beatriz had mourned Letty's death; she would light a candle every year on the anniversary of it. Hearing that Letty had been alive this entire time... Beatriz felt conflicted.

On one hand, she was pissed that no one told her that Letty was actually alive. But Bea knew that no one knew that Letty had been alive this entire time. Everyone thought she was dead. No one questioned her death because the car exploded. No one could have even imagined that Letty was alive this entire time.

But on the other hand, Bea was beyond upset. She felt like she mourned for no reason. Also, why didn't Letty come find her? Why didn't she reach out? Letty would have been in contact with Beatriz as soon as she could. Bea knew something was wrong if Letty didn't contact her own sister to say "Hey, I'm actually alive." And Letty wouldn't pretend to be dead without telling someone.

Beatriz and Han were escorted to the building that Hobbs would be meeting them at. Beatriz tossed her bag into the back of the SUV, sighing heavily.

"Oh good, you know how to make noises," Han said. Beatriz looked over at Han, not caring for the sarcasm, but she understood where he was coming from. Han knew the next question was a stupid one, he asked it anyway. "Are you okay?"

Beatriz shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks again. Han pulled her into a hug, letting her cry against his chest for the second time.

When they got back to their apartment to pack a duffel, Beatriz completely broke down. It was the first time that Han had seen Bea cry like that. There were obviously times Han saw her cry, she sobbed her way through telling him about her life before she ran away. The tears in their apartment were her realizing that Letty was alive for the past four years, and Beatriz was just processing.

Bea was alone, mourning her sister's "death" - Keir and Niko didn't know about Letty, they didn't know how close Bea and Letty were. Bea was just going through it.

Han held her hand in the car, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. Beatriz hated to admit that she was watching the van in front of them that held their motorcycles in it like a hawk. "You better tell the driver that those bikes cost more than his weekly paycheck." Bea muttered.

Han turned his head, keeping the laughter to himself. Even in Bea's state, she could still make him laugh.

Once they arrived at the building, Han got their bikes off the van. He looked at Beatriz who was holding onto their duffels. "You think that dumbass is gonna be here?" Han asked

"Keir?" Bea sighed, crossing her arms. Han barely interacted with Keir, yet the nickname of "that dumbass" came up every so often. "I don't know, probably. If he is, I'm gonna kill 'im." Bea said. Han wasn't touching that.

Beatriz grabbed her bike, rolling it towards the building with Han behind her. The elevator ride up to the top was fairly silent. Beatriz was keeping herself together after the second cry she had after getting off the plane. Han looked over at Bea, "Will you be okay?"

"At the moment, yes, but I can't promise anything later on." If she saw her sister, Beatriz wasn't sure what she'd do. "It truly isn't every day you hear your sister is back from the dead." Bea stated.

Han kept his mouth shut. He knew how much Beatriz missed Letty, so hearing that she had been alive this entire time, Bea had every right to her emotions.

"Triz!" Beatriz looked up as the elevator doors opened. Gisele was standing there, waiting for Bea and Han to arrive. Beatriz climbed out of the elevator with the bike rolling next to her. Gisele hugged her with a smile. "So, did you like my idea."

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