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Nikoletta turned her head when the elevator door of Cipher's Los Angeles base. No one was supposed to come through that door unless they had access. Niko stumbled backward when she saw the man carrying the two bodies of guards who kept the elevator safe. They were dropped by his feet. And then he spoke, "They say when you're facing death, your life flashes before your eyes." Nikoletta looked at Cipher. There was a brief moment where Cipher's eyes were closed, but she didn't look a single bit scared.

"Are they right?" The man asked.

Cipher turned slowly. "I'd start with who you are."

"A question most can't answer in a lifetime."

Cipher leaned against her desk. "You have three seconds."

Nikoletta wasn't sure who this man was, but all over Cipher's men were pointing their guns directly at him. Niko was unarmed, a request of Cipher, but right now, she really wished she had a gun or something to defend herself.

"I am a man with no name. Heir to nothing. And I'm here for the same reasons you are. Dominic Toretto." Nikoletta tilted her head – she knew that Toretto had enemies wherever he went, honestly, they all did, but what did Toretto do to him.

Cipher blinked. "You want to kill Dom?" She found it amusing. "Line's around the block." Cipher told him.

"No, no, no," Niko felt something in the pit of her stomach. This man wasn't being truthful. "Never accept death when suffering is owed." Cipher was interesting, but barely. "But I need your help. Your toys and your tech. All your boys. Oh, and the girl." Nikoletta stood behind the desk, not wanting to get close to this guy. "'Cause you're either with me or you're..." One of Cipher's men held his gun to the back of the man's head.

"I don't play well with others."

"Then you'll have to watch who you love most die." He said.

"You're looking at who I love most. You thought you could use my own move against me?" Cipher said.

"I wasn't talking to you." Nikoletta looked the man up and down. "I was talking to Zeke." One by one, the man named every guard that Cipher hired. Niko was just thankful he didn't mention her name. The phones in the pockets of the guards all buzzed and rang around them. "Who could it be?" Nikoletta looked around, trying to see what was happening.

She could hear the muffled screams from several of the phones around her. Niko swallowed hard, stepping forward once. Where Niko was standing, she knew there was a hidden gun, or two, under Cipher's desk.

Niko stiffened up with the man drew out knifes and went to town on the guard behind him. Nikoletta's eyes fell onto the young guard's body. "Ooh." Nikoletta seriously didn't know who they were dealing with right now, but watching him lick blood off the blade of one of the knives made her stomach flip-flop. "They all had something to take except that poor bastard. And her." Niko was thankful that he couldn't find anything for her.

The man chuckled. "Not even a kitty cat." Niko kept her eyes locked on the man in front of her and Cipher. "The rest of you have a choice. Me or..." Nikoletta looked around at all the guards – they were all pointing their weapons directly at Cipher. "You want to control the world. I just want to punish it." He stated.

Niko didn't make any sudden movements as the man got closer to Cipher. "I will remember this." Cipher said.

"I think everyone will." The electronics around them powered down when he took the power cell. "Huh." He walked backwards with the cell in hand. "I need someone to help me operate this, don't I?" Nikoletta continued to stand still. "Nerds? Come with me." Nikoletta reached her hand under the desk slowly, making sure that the two guards by Cipher didn't see her. "All right, you know what to do if you want to see your families again. Ciao."

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