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Beatriz entered the garage with a couple of bottles of water for Han and Min Woo. Min Woo was having troubles with his car and asked Han to take a look at it with him. Han jumped at the chance. Bea set the bottles down onto the cart, watching Han and Min Woo work under the hood. It wasn't like Min Woo needed his car when they went off to Rome for a mission from the Agency, but he wanted to make sure it was tip-top shape before Race Wars next weekend.

"How's it goin'?" Bea asked, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall. A smile appeared on her face when Min Woo looked up. He was grinned from ear-to-ear. "That good, huh?"

"Han really know his stuff."

"He better." Bea teased. Han looked over at Bix, rolling his eyes. "Did you have any doubts, Min Woo?" Beatriz walked over to him, messing with his hair in the back. "I'm just trying to figure out why you want to race this car in Race Wars." Beatriz pointed out.

Min Woo sighed. "Elle said I needed to."

"Oh?" Han questioned. He looked at Min Woo, tilting his head. He knew there was more to this than just Elle telling him to drive this specific car in Race Wars. "Just Elle?"

"Fine, and Reiko."

Bea laughed, shaking her head. Ever since Elle went to New York for study at NYU, she actually ran into Reiko. Reiko apparently had decided to settle down roots in New York instead of heading to Germany with the rest of the crew. Elle ran into in a café during her first week of school.

"There it is." Han said, standing straight. He grabbed the rag, wiping his hands. "Well, everything looks in order. Why don't you turn it on and see what we can hear?" Min Woo went over to the driver's side, leaning into the window and turned the key. The engine came to life after some tweaking and general maintenance needed. Min Woo popped his head out of the car, looking at Han. Han shrugged. "Told ya."

Min Woo huffed. "Okay, you gotta tell me how you did that!"

"Min Woo," Bea placed her hand on his shoulder. "It's pointless to ask those questions, Han's got magic in his fingers." Min Woo closed her eyes. Bea smacked his lightly in the back of her head. "Not like that!"

Beatriz looked at the clock on the wall. "Go get showers you two, we have a dinner to get to. Abuelita's flight came in this afternoon, we don't want to miss those hugs." Bea smiled. Min Woo's eyes widened, running from the garage to go back into the house. Beatriz closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

Han reached into the car to turn it off. "You okay, Bix?" Han asked, noticing Beatriz was a little off her game today. "You look a little pale, are you sure you wanna do this mission? You can stay home for once." Han said.

Bea shook her head. "I'm fine, seriously. I just had a hard time sleeping last night, that's all." Beatriz covered her mouth when she yawned. "God, I'm tired." Han walked around the car, approaching Bix. His arms wrapped around her. Bea's arms wrapped around his neck. "Seriously, Han, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Han gave her a skeptical look.

Bea nodded. "Yes, I'm sure." Beatriz played with the ends of Han's hair. "I'm not pregnant." Saying those words hurt Bea more than she thought. In the past two years, Bea and Han were trying for a baby, they both really wanted at least one at this point – of course, they had Min Woo and Elle, but they wanted to have one of their own. It was just something they both wanted to experience.

They previously parented teenagers, but that wanted to experience baby-hood and the works after that.

In two years, Beatriz had taken several pregnancy tests but they all came back negative. At the moment, they were just keeping that information to themselves, no one in their family knew about their desire to have children. Han and Bea had a feeling that Dom knew they both wanted kids, he saw the way Bea and Han would interact with Little B, Jack, and Olivia.

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