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The construction of the mock track was done before lunchtime. Bea's sketches came in handy, even if she was a little off. She helped create the course, making sure every tower was high enough to make the cameras see them and have them at the right angle. Brian was extremely helpful with that aspect of the course. As soon as the camera system was complete and up and running, it was time to get the show on the road.

Bea sat on the steps of the platform, a bottle of water in hand. Brian got first crack at the track, since the car was his choice. Beatriz really wanted to see how well he could drift around that corner in the back, it was gonna be tough in a Porsche.

"Okay, O'Conner, give it your best shot."

Bea watched as Brian came speeding around the corner. Now, Beatriz didn't know Brian outside of being an FBI agent in a previous life, so she was unaware of his connection with Dom - and more importantly Letty. But watching Brian drive around the corners so quickly, Beatriz quickly stood up to get a better picture of how he was driving. Now she understood what Brian meant when they first met. The reason Brian knew Letty was because he was like them. And he was fucking fast.

Beatriz blinked rapidly as Brian stopped by the platform. He got out, asking how that run was.

"Camera caught you," Han stated.


"Yeah, it still caught ya."

"Man, I was milkin' the hell out of that thing too." Brian said as he approached the platform.

Bea leaned her lower back against the railing of the stairs.

"We're gonna need a faster car." Dom said.

The next few nights Dom and Brian went out and brought back cars like they were candy. And every afternoon, the team took turns using their new cars on the mock course. However, every single car they were trying, they couldn't beat the cameras. No matter the make and model, no matter how quickly it from zero to 60, no one could beat the cameras.

But it was fun watching everyone's driving styles come out. Beatriz hadn't gotten behind the wheel of one of the cars yet. She was waiting on the right car before getting behind the wheel to show off what she could actually do. Bea did know who wouldn't be involved in the driving portion of this heist though. Maybe it was just her altered memories from her youth, but she remembered Santos being a good driver.

Maybe it was money going to his head, but smacking the driver's side on one of the turns, Bea wondered if she was seeing him with rose-colored glasses.

However, Beatriz decided to go against her own words. She took the keys to the Nissan 370Z. "My turn." Bea held up the keys as she walked off the platform.

Roman decided to speak first, even though Tej was attempting to shut him up. "You sure about that?" Beatriz walked backwards, flipping Roman off which confused him.

"Dude, just shut up."

"Mia's the one who said she doesn't race."

Mia rolled her eyes. "You skipped over the part where I said she knows how to drive." Mia commented.

Beatriz strapped herself into the Nissan, going to the starting point of the track. She pressed her foot on the gas, letting the engine roar. She sat there for a moment. After Letty's death, Bea did find herself going to races less and less until she had a stint where she went out every single night, winning money and pink slips. Bea always handed the pink slips back because she couldn't take cars off of people who created their own masterpieces. And she had no place to hide all of them from Keir.

She picked up the necklace, kissing the pair of rings before allowing the chain to drop against her chest. Beatriz put the car into drive and sped towards the entrance of the warehouse. Bea focused on the course she helped create, knowing exactly where the cameras were located. She was racing against the clock, there was about a ten-second window between each camera to pick her up.

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