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"Something's wrong with the satellite array." Otto said. "It's, uh, interfering with the uplink." That feeling returned to Bea. She looked at Jakob, wanting to say something to him but she didn't have a confirmation.

"I'll handle it."

Bea made sure that Otto had his back to her as she stood up from the seat to look at the uplink. As soon as she saw that the link was working just fine, Bea knew that Otto was playing Jakob. "Jake, no!" Bea shouted. Beatriz ran forward, getting captured before she got to the stairrs. "Let go of me! Jakob! It's a trap!" A hand went over her mouth. Beatriz was kicking her legs, trying to break free of the guard who had her. She saw someone walking by to take care of Jakob.

Beatriz bit down on the hand over her mouth. The guard yelled, dropping her. "Jake! It's a trap!" Beatriz shouted up until she was kicked backwards. Beatriz groaned, rolling onto her side in pain. She looked over to the guard who was climbing the ladder. "Jakob!" Otto came over to Bea, kicking her in the stomach. She groaned in pain, curling into herself.

"Han." Mia called out. "Grab the wheel. Something's up." Mia said as she moved under Han's arm, slipping out from the driver's seat to get to the computer system. Archer got up from where she was sitting to see what kind of controls the armory had. "I think I can link into their feed."

Archer looked out the windshield, seeing Jakob on top of the 16-wheeler. "What is he doing?" Archer questioned, tilting her head in confusion.

Beatriz looked up at Otto, "My bad. Satellite uplink is actually going splendid. Oh, and by the way, I have a new business partner. Maybe you know her." Otto looked down at Beatriz. "And thank you for collecting Ms. Ortiz for me, it would have been hell to try to do it myself." Beatriz's eyes narrowed at Otto. "Say hello to Cipher, Jakob."

Beatriz's eyes widened. "Jakob, get out of there!" Bea shouted, hoping Jakob could hear her through Otto's comm.

Otto went to kick Beatriz in the head, but she moved quickly, rolling away from his foot. She pushed herself into a sitting position. She could only hear one side of the conversation, but it sounded like Jakob insulted him. "Spoiled rich pricks run the world." Otto said.

"They also have small dicks." Beatriz slammed her arms into Otto's crotch before kicking his legs out from under him. Bea quickly got up from the ground, hurrying over to the uplink. She slammed herself into the man standing by the computer system, knocking him to the floor next to Otto. Bea tried to remember the keys that Otto used to activate the uplink. "Come on, come on!"

Suddenly, Bea had to block a punch that was headed straight for the side of her face. She heard bones crack when they slammed into the metal handcuffs around her wrists. The guard howled, grabbing his wrist. Beatriz went back to attempting to cancel the uplink when her own legs were pulled out from under her.

Bea's head made contact with the metal floor. She gasped in pain, blood rolled down her face from the head wound.

"Oh, that's not good." Min Woo said as he watched Jakob fighting with someone on top of the 16-wheeler.

"Oh God!" Mia climbed out of the chair, pushing Archer into it to finish getting into the feed. Mia quickly climbed up and out of the armory just in time to grab Jakob's hand before he fell off the side of the armory car after falling completely off the 16-wheeler. Min Woo watched Jakob as he climbed to one side of the car to the other to get away in the car that Han and Mia were previously driving in.

Beatriz continued to lay on the ground, trying her hardest to keep herself from passing out. She was pretty sure she had some kind of concussion from the way her head hit the metal floor. Otto was walking with a limp around her as he figured out what was happening around them. "Well," he cleared his throat to speak to Cipher. "We appear to have lost our escort and Jakob." Bea sighed relief that Jakob was able to get away. "And, well, Dom is making things a little bit difficult here, but it's fine. Really, it's peachy. Don't worry, don't worry." Otto said.

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