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Beatriz sat on the Ducati bike with Archer sitting beside her on a Honda. Archer had her phone out in front of her, moving her finger across the screen faster than Bea's eyes could follow. She had to turn away before she got dizzy. She opened the bottle of water, gulping down some of it. Bea tapped on the comm, making sure it was turned on while she waited for further instructions.

"So can somebody please help me understand how we're pulling off a mobile heist but I don't even get to drive?" Tej asked.

"Well, the sooner we break into the truck and steal the chip, the sooner you get to live la dolce vita, okay?" Ramsey stated. "Archer, everything good on your end?"

"Yep, peachy." Archer said as she brought up the controls. "Although, I'm not getting a single notification. I think I need an upgrade." Archer stated.

"Didn't you upgrade last month?"

"Yeah, so?"

Tej sighed. "Never mind. Roman, the convoy's almost in position. Where the hell are you at? You're supposed to be runnin' interference." Tej said.

"Romey-Rome's in the building. You see me shinin', baby." Bea and Archer exchanged looks, knowing it was a mistake for allowed Roman to be leader for this mission. The bright gold Lambo definitely was turning heads and probably bringing more attention than they needed for this mission. "We on my mission now."

"Yeah, we all know that this is your mission. 'Cause nobody else on Earth would put Han and Min Woo in an Alfa." Tej said.

"You know, we'd already be there if Roman wasn't driving Fort Knox on wheels." Han commented. Min Woo snorted, throwing his head back against the seat.

"You know what's under this hood, baby." Roman asked. "This car is sick." Min Woo watched Roman go in front of them, engine roaring. That type of Lambo was horrible for a sneak attack, everyone would hear them coming from a mile away.

"What this old girl lacks in horsepower, she makes up for in agility." Han stated.

"Yeah, that's true. While the Lamborghini has a V-10 with a Stage 3 UGR twin-turbo kit, the Alfa will definitely have an advantage in this environment." Beatriz looked around, confused about how Ramsey just spit all that out like that.

"Damn, Ramsey, have you been studying?" Bea asked, a smirk coming onto her face.

"Oh, right. I know stuff now." Ramsey sounded extremely proud of herself.

"Will you marry me?"

Ramsey gasped jokingly. "That's all it took?"

"Okay, flirty number 1 and flirty number 2," Archer rolled her eyes with a smile. "Look, I got everything ready. I hope you guys are." Archer said. Beatriz put the helmet on her head, ready to see Han drive by.

"All those Agency toys, and you still can't reach Roman?" Letty asked.

"No cell phone, email or text message. Nothing's going through. I even tried swiping right on Min Woo's dating app." Little Nobody said.

Keir looked over at Little Nobody. "That might be a little too much information." Keir took the radio from Little Nobody. "I still can't get a hold of Archer, even through her encrypted sources." Keir said as he looked at his computer, trying to contact Archer.

"Bea's not answering her phone either." Letty sighed. "Whoever sent him on this bogus mission made for damn sure we couldn't warn 'em."

"Keep searching. They're close." Dom said.

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