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Beatriz drove along side Letty, it was nice to actually ride a motorocycle again. Bea had stopped riding shortly after Letty returned to them. After her bike being destroyed while going back Shaw's team, Bea just decided that being behind the wheel was a better option. But back in New York and Dom's attack against his own team, Bea alternated between driving her car and riding a motorcycle. This was the first time she got to ride alongside her sister, it was nice.

"Coming up on the signal, two miles." Ramsey said through the comms. "It's deep in the militarized zone of Montequinto. I hope everyone's ready."

"Ready? Y'all wanna make jokes about me not makin' practical decisions? This is as prepared as it gets." Roman said.

"We all see you, man. Nobody thinks you're compensating for anythin'." Bea snickered at Tej's comment. Min Woo had to look out the window as he sat next to Roman, keeping himself from laughing.

"Bea," Bea looked over at her sister. "Let's take point."

"Got it." Beatriz moved around Dom's left while Letty took the right to tell him their plans. Beatriz and Letty led the team down the road. Beatriz didn't know why, but riding next to Letty made her remember the times she was with Han. She shook her head, stopping herself from thinking about him.

"Right now, we have a ten-minute window between patrols. Mr. Nobody's signal is close, but we've got to move quickly, guys. We do not want to cross paths with the military here." Ramsey said.

Bea gulped.

She slowed down when they got close to the crash site. Beatriz couldn't believe the state of the crash – it looked horrible, how anyone could survive that was beyond Bea's thought process. The plane was in pieces all around them, the cargo hold was the only part that was mostly still put together. Bea pulled off to the side, turning off the bike. She removed her helmet, setting it on the handle bars.

She opened the seat to remove the gun that Keir gave her to replace the jammed one. She cocked it back, turning off the safety. Beatriz looked around, listening to the jungle around them. Bea wasn't going to lie, it was a beautiful place, but it also scared her shitless due the military that could come out of fucking nowhere. The jungle was so dense, anyone could be sneaking up on them.

Min Woo followed at Ramsey, sticking close to her while the others took the permieter. Beatriz ran off after Roman, gun pointed outward to make sure she was ready for anything that could be waiting for them.

Min Woo looked around, taking in everything knowing that this would be the only time he'd be there.

"The source of the SOS signal is coming from inside this thing." Ramsey said, approaching the latch on the floor. Min Woo looked down at it, seeing that it looked like somebody tried to break it open before the plane went down or even after it went down. Min Woo looked around again, wondering if somebody was watching them and waiting for them to arrive.

"Somebody wanted in." Dom commented. "Plane must have gone down before they could cut through."

Beatriz walked over to where the cargo hold was, keeping both hands on the gun.

"Or it was sent down on purpose to stop 'em." Letty suggested.

"Yeah, well, their mistake was trying to cut into it." Ramsey stated. "Just give me a minute, I can get in." Ramsey got to work to open the latch.

"Dom," Roman called out. Dom looked in his direction. "There's not a soul in sight. No sign of Mr. Nobody." He added.

Bea wasn't too surprised by that – considering the last time that Mr. Nobody got hurt, he had a team already ready to take him away. She wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Nobody had an exit plan for something like this too.

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