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The dock was peaceful for once, the team was allowed to sit and take in the pretty sights while they waited for Ramsey to wake up. They were just sitting around or exploring the area while someone watched over Ramsey. Beatriz stood on the edge of the shore, looking over the water, arms against her chest. She was idly playing with the rings on her fingers, trying not to let her mind wander.

The ring from Han felt so foreign, yet familiar. Beatriz looked down at her hand, seeing the would-be engagement ring on her finger. It was a reminder of her failed engagement to Keir, but subtle enough that no one had noticed yet. Bea was grateful that no one was as observant as Han, she couldn't deal with the questions right now.

Especially from Roman, he wouldn't leave her alone, no matter how many times she'd tell him to drop the subject.

Beatriz continued to look at the small ring, the diamonds sparkled in the sunlight. Bea wondered when Han was going to propose - it seemed like he was holding onto the ring for a while. She had seen him wear that exact hoodie she had on multiple times over the course of living in Tokyo. And the ring didn't look like something he found in Tokyo, it looked specially made for Beatriz.

She took a deep breath, lowering her hand back down on top of her arm.

Beatriz tucked her hand under her arm when she heard footsteps approaching. "Triz," Bea peered over her shoulder to Tej. She gave him a small smile before looking back over the water. "It'll be wrong to ask if you're good, but," Tej stood next to Bea, knowing for a damn fact she wasn't okay.

Bea gave him a smile, answering, "No." It was definitely weird to say no while smiling, especially in the situation they were currently in. Beatriz - and the team - were mourning Han's death. "Thanks for asking, and worrying," Beatriz was so used to no one asking how she was when she lived in Puerto Rico. Nikoletta and Keir did their best, but Beatriz kept her life private from both of them. Keir obviously found out who she was, but back when they were together, Bea handled everything by herself because she couldn't tell anyone who she was.

It was nice to have people who actually worried about her.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not yet."

Since Han's death, everyone was asking Beatriz what actually happened, she gave them the details that mattered, but no one knew the beginning part. Bea really didn't want to explain to the team about Han getting involved with the Yakuza. She didn't want them to find that out yet.

"We're all here for you, Triz, when you're ready to talk." Tej said.

"I know," She looked at Tej, still smiling. "I'll talk when I'm ready." Beatriz looked at the team that were on the dock, waiting for Ramsey to wake up. "You guys are my family, and I can trust you, I'll talk 'bout it when I'm ready. And I know one of you will be there in an instant." Beatriz said.

"Y'know that's right!" Tej grinned. "I miss 'im too." Tej looked over the water. "It's like we're missin' an important part."

Tej had a valid point - it was like they were missing an important part. This was the first mission since getting Letty back that they've all worked together. They didn't have Han or Gisele. It felt wrong to go on, but they had to, ending Deckard Shaw was everyone's plan.

Tej looked at Bea, "How are you holdin' it together, Triz?" He asked honestly. "If I were you, I wouldn't be able to do half the shit we've done." Tej said.

"Holding it together isn't the problem," Bea began. "I know that at some point, I am just gonna break down, probably in front of Han's grave when we get back to the states. I'm more focused on getting to Shaw." The reason Beatriz hadn't gone into a complete breakdown was because of Shaw. If she didn't have this information, she would have broken down a while ago. "Knowing Shaw is still following us, watching us, it just gives me the perception that we are one step closer to destroying him." Beatriz explained.

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