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Explosions started to go off down the line after Ramsey and Archer activated them with their computers. Archer sat in the passenger seat next to Beatriz as the team drove from the location. They were asked by Hobbs to steal an EMP device from that Berlin military base. They weren't given much information about the EMP or why they were really stealing it, but the team went ahead to do the deed.

But those explosions went straight down a line after Roman was given the task of distributing them. And now, they were making their grand escape before the military were on their asses, which was only a matter of seconds because those explosions shook the base. And it wasn't a small explosion either, like they originally planned.

"You were only supposed to create a diversion, Roman." Letty commented.

"That was a diversion!"

"What kind of fuckin' diversion was that, Rome?" Min Woo asked as he drove next to Bea. "You weren't supposed to put 'em down a line like that!" Beatriz had to agree with Min Woo on that matter - when it came to giving Roman that task, they all agreed that it would be easy for Roman, he wouldn't fuck it up. Now, technically, he didn't fuck up, he did his role correctly, but it seemed like he used every single one of the explosives.

"How many of the damn explosives did you use?" Tej asked.

"I don't know, Tej. All of it?"

"Wait, all of it?!"

"Roman, Jesus Christ." It wasn't the first time that Hobbs called Roman out, but today felt personal.

Beatriz shook her head as Archer rolled her eyes. "No wonder my computer feels extra hot. You weren't supposed to activate all of them, Roman." Archer said as she checked the stats. "But they are all no longer active, we won't have to worry about blowin' our asses off." Archer said as she looked at the computer screen.

"Oh thank God for that." Bea muttered under her breath.

"You got more of yoru fan club ahead." Letty said.

Beatriz looked in front of her before turning the left quickly along with the rest of the team. The military were still on their asses, not like no one expected it since they were fleeing the base very quickly, and setting off explosives.

"These guys are takin' this personal."

"Roman, we just blew up their facility and stole their EMP. Other than your doctor's cold finger, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get." Hobbs said.

"That's a visual I didn't need," Min Woo muttered.

"Phase two." Beatriz noticed that Dom hadn't said anything since they made their epic escape. Not even to tell off Roman, which was odd, he wasn't this quiet with the team. Sure, there were times where he was really focused, but right now, Bea didn't know why Dom wasn't talking, except to give orders.

"Phase two? So, you just gonna keep that to yourself?" Roman asked. "What happened to phase one/ What about that part?"

"Yeah. Remember the airplane? Everyone drove their cars out but you?" Tej reminded him.

"I told you my engine seized up."

"Yeah, your screams weren't the reason why you didn't drive out of the plane. No, not at all."

"Shut up, Min Woo."

"It's your balls that seized up." Letty added quickly.

Bea snickered. "Yeah, after that day, Rome, we decided that you were need to know. You need to know now, so we're tellin' you phase two is happening." Beatriz shrugged.

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