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"I can't believe how stupid you guys are!" Keir snapped as soon as he answered the phone when Beatriz called him up. She put her phone on speaker for everyone to hear.

"Gee, Agent Byrne, just tell us how you really feel." Tej rolled his eyes.

"Do you guys realize what you've done?"

"Yeah, we failed." Roman said.

Keir sighed heavily. "Be thankful you aren't on the most wanted list. Again."

"How's the Agency?"

"It is in shambles, Bea. I haven't seen anything like this. Little Nobody is like a chicken with his head cut off." Keir stated. "Everybody thinks Mr. Nobody's dead. But if you guys couldn't find him at the site, then I'd suspect he's in hiding." Keir added.

Archer snickered. "The Agency is really that fucked, huh?"

"Ames is taking over."

Archer's face fell. "Fuck that guy." She leaned back, arms crossed.

"Did you at least give whatever Mr. Nobody was hiding?" Keir asked.

Beatriz looked over at Letty. "We did... then we lost it."

Keir sighed. "Did you find anything in the encryption?" He asked.

Beatriz looked over at Ramsey and Archer. "That's a good question." Bea commented as she sat down on the floor. She rested her arms on the crate in front of her. Her thumb idly played with the ring from Han. "I don't even think they know where we're headed." Bea said.

"I-I was able to decrypt the data that came through with Mr. Nobody's SOS, and I found GPS coordinates, definitely included on purpose." Ramsey said.

"Oh good, finally, good news." Min Woo said.

As soon as Dom entered the cargo hold, Letty looked over at him. "You knew about Jakob?" Bea's entire body moved, resting her arm on the crate to look at Dom. Her eyes went wide upon hearing that name after so many years. Dom said nothing.

"Question: Who is Jakob?" Tej asked.

"Jakob is – or was Dom's brother." Letty said. Beatriz looked at Dom with a shocked expression. She hadn't thought about Jakob in years, not since the day Dom and Jakob raced and Dom made Jakob leave after that. Beatriz remembered the time where her and Dom weren't talking and it was all because he kicked Jakob out. At the time, Bea had gotten really close to Jakob, especially when Dom was in jail. Jakob was taking care of everyone for those two years, and Bea grew attached.

When Dom raced Jakob, and won, Jakob was gone, never to be seen again.

For a long time, Bea hated Dom for what he did.

The cargo hold went complete silent for a moment, looking straight at Dom and no one else.

"Oh, my-my bad." Roman began. "I'm sorry, I'm just processin'. Brother? You got a brother?" Roman asked.

"I'm piggy-backing on Roman's comment. Not even Dom's Agency file has anything about Jakob." Keir said.

"Who also happens to be some kind of super spy with his own private army, who drives literally like a bat outta hell, who preplanned an aerial jump and landed at the bottom of an airplane?" Roman asked.

Keir fell silent. "What was that?"

"Who does that?" Roman ignored Keir.

"Who does that?" Tej repeated. "A Toretto."

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