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Beatriz pinched the bridge of her nose as she sat off to the side. She had a mild headache from the bomb device that Cipher used. But the headache didn't stop her from knowing that Shaw saved her back there. He jumped in front of her before part of the wall crushed her from behind. Bea was still reeling from that - why the fuck would Shaw save her? Of all people?

Ramsey had a similar thought.

"You should talk to him," Ramsey said.

Bea lowered her hand, looking over at Ramsey with a questioning look on her face. Ramsey gestured her head to Shaw. Beatriz shook her head instantly as soon as Ramsey's suggestion finally got through to her. "No. Absolutely not."

"Why not?"

"He killed Han."

Ramsey knew that Beatriz wasn't going to talk to Shaw, probably ever. Ramsey didn't want Triz to accept any kind of apology from Shaw, he wouldn't give one. He hated the team but even Ramsey was curious about why Shaw saved Beatriz.

Did he feel guilty?

She was doubtful of that, but something had to have gone through Shaw's head to save Triz from being crushed. "Triz,"




"Beatriz." Bea fell silent, lowering her head. "Triz, he saved you." Ramsey was trying to get Bea to speak to Shaw, at least one-on-one for a few seconds. "You should talk to him."

"He killed Han. I watched him kill Han." Beatriz reminded her.

"And he just saved you from being crushed by a wall." Ramsey said.

Beatriz crossed her arms. "Ramsey, if it wasn't me, it would have been you he saved." Bea told her. Ramsey was right there, but she hadn't gotten up from the ground yet. Bea was trying to help her. Bea was in the line of contact with that wall if Shaw didn't throw her to the ground, blocking the wall with his own body.

"Triz, would you like me to go with you so you aren't alone?" Ramsey suggested.

Beatriz really didn't want to speak to Shaw, but she did want to know why he saved her. Killing her boyfriend one minute, hunting the rest of them down the next, to save her ass. It was a total 180. Bea hated herself, but she was interested in finding out why Shaw did that.

He could have just let her get hurt by the wall. Any logical thought in Shaw's mind should have gone to just letting Bea get hurt. He didn't care about the team, he said that he was just going to track down Dom. He wasn't interested in the family anymore, he was just there to find Dom. That was it.

So why did he save Beatriz?

Bea shook her head. "I'll go." Bea really didn't want to, but at the moment, she was curious. And Beatriz couldn't stay fearful of Shaw, she needed to confront him.

Beatriz walked over to Shaw, arms still crossed against her chest. She made sure the ring was in sight of Shaw's eye. "You saved me." Bea took a deep breath. "Why...?" Beatriz really wanted an honest answer, but she doubted Shaw had an honest bone in his body. "You killed my boyfriend, having me speak to you is an accomplishment in itself." Bea added.

Shaw looked up at Beatriz's face. The research he did on the team was pretty extensive. Han just happened to be the chosen target. Even if Bea was in Tokyo with Han at the time, he went after Han instead.

Shaw shrugged. "No idea."

"You are a horrible liar." Beatriz pointed out. "Why did you save me?" Bea asked again.

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