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Bea sat on the floor, arms wrapped around her legs. She was in the far corner of the area where the team used for their plans. Her head was pressed against her knees, letting herself calm down after that accident. Beatriz's head was still swimming with images of Han's death. She played with the ring as she sat there, alone. Min Woo and Tej tried to talk with Bea but she just wanted to be alone once they got back to the Toy Shop.

Letty did check on her, but then gave her her space.

Keir refused to listen. He sat down next to her, resting his arms on his knees. "How's therapy going?" Keir asked softly.

Outside of Letty and Min Woo, Keir was the only other person who knew about Bea's trips to a therapist. In the beginning it was just to talk about Han and his death. She left out most of the details, she didn't need her therapist to report her to the authorties for what actually happened. Then Bea opened a little more about her past and her bio family. She did use her fake name of Lexia Orr so no one could find out who she really was.

Airing her thoughts about Han's death really did help. But she didn't expect a panic attack after that direct atack from Dom. That was going to be something interesting to work through.

Bea lifted her head up. "Fine." Honestly, Beatriz really didn't like therapy, but she was going because she knew she needed it. Bea was struggling without Han, going to therapy definitely helped her with that. It didn't make things easier, per se. She would never be able to move on from Han, there was no doubt about that. And no one expected her to get over Han. Even her therapist said that Bea would probably never move on from Han and that was okay, not everyone could.


Beatriz looked at her ex. "We don't talk about much outside of Han's accident and briefly about my parents." Bea commented, stretching out her legs.

Keir chuckled to himeslf. "A therapist gets more information than I ever did from your own mouth." Beatriz rolled her eyes, continuing to play with the ring. Keir looked down at the ring - he had seen Bea with since Tokyo but he never asked her about it. "What's with that ring?" Keir asked. He knew about the other ring, the one that Bea and Letty shared. He had seen them around Bea's neck before Letty came back into their lives.

Bea lifted her hand up, showing off the ring. "Han was going to propose." Keir looked at Beatriz's face. "He never got the chance." Her hand lowered back onto her lap. She sighed heavily. "Han would have killed Dom for what he did back there." Beatriz commented.

"I think Letty wants to kill him." Keir kept his voice low. Bea chuckled, nodding her head. She looked over at her sister who was sitting on the stairs with Hobbs. "I wish I could understand what is going through Dom's head right now." Everyone was in the same boat, they wanted to know what Dom was up to.

Bea fell silent – she wished she understood Dom's logic back there.

"Anything?" Keir and Beatriz's attentions were drawn to Hobbs. Little Nobody approached the table to inform the team about what he was able to find out.

Little Nobody shook his head. "They're gone. And the DOD confirmed it was a nuclear football." Beatriz brushed her fingers against the bridge of her nose, sighing heavily. "He's got an EMP and nuclear launch codes. I don't know what it is, but-but they're building towards something." Little Nobody said.

Bea stood up from where she was sitting on the ground. She walked over to the table, placing her hands behind Archer's chair. Archer jumped, knees hitting the underside of the table. "Why don't you just ask Archer?" Bea asked, looking down at the hacker.

"Triz, you can't just-"

"I don't know what she's planning," Archer interrupted Ramsey. Ramsey's eyes went wide, looking at her friend. "She sent me to New York to look for the code and report back to her, that's all. I don't know what she's planning." Archer explained.

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