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Min Woo stood next to Han back in the base after taking care of Jakob's men. It was easier said than done considering what Dom had to do in the end. But now they were trying to come up with a good plan to Elle and Triz back. They also had to stop Jakob, but at the moment, getting Elle and Triz back were their top priority.

"From here, things move quickly. Jakob has all the pieces he needs. Once he activates Aries, all he needs to do is send the signal global." Ramsey said.

"And then there's no stopping him. Ever." Tej commented.

"He'll have to launch some kind of pirate satellite, something that'll act as an amplifier, infecting other satellites in orbit one by one." Ramsey said.

"So we find him, stop him, and then we get Elle and Bix back." Han said.

Tej sighed. "Our odds are zero here, Han. Satellite equipment is easy enough to track, but we're not gonna beat Jakob to a launch." Tej said.

"Which gives us a two-target problem: Jakob on the ground,"

"With his own private army." Mia added.

"And the satellite."

"Which can't be hacked." Archer commented, sighing heavily.

"Not remotely." Ramsey added. "We'd have to do it phyiscally, fifty miles above ground while the satellite is in orbit." Ramsey said.

Min Woo and Roman exchanged looks. "Orbit?" They asked at the same time. Min Woo shook his head. "No, uh-huh. I don't do space." Min Woo shook his head.

"We need help." Mia stated. Han looked over at her. "Otherwise, we have no chance."

"We do it ourselves." Min Woo turned his head to look at Dom as he stood on the stairs in front of Letty. It was a common phrase that Dom was telling the team for years, hell he had been saying that since before Min Woo was even involved in the team. But it was something that definitely stuck with Min Woo. "It's where we've been that got us this far." Dom said.

Roman shook his head, muttering the word no over and over and over and over again. "Do y'all not understand? Clearly, y'all don't. Because if you did, you'd be pissin' your pants like a normal person. Orbit – that's outer space. That's another level." The team looked at Roman – they were all thinking what he was thinking. It was insane, but they had no other choice in the matter. They couldn't just let Jakob become a God, and they couldn't have him keep Elle and Beatriz.

At the moment, this was the only plan they had in mind to stop Jakob.

"What we gonna do? Hijack a space shuttle? Put rockets on our backs?" Min Woo thought for a minute, recalling what Sean, Earl, and Twinkie were up to. Min Woo looked back at Dom, a smirk appearing on his face.

"That's exactly what we're gonna do."



Beatriz stood next to Jakob, watching the launch. She had to figure out a way to stop Jakob since she was so close. It should be easier than what her team had to come up with. But stopping a satellite going into orbit wasn't something she could do from the ground, not unless she stopped the download and the activation.

"There goes my father's diplomatic ties with Eastern Europe." Otto said. "This place is going to be crawling with every cop in the ciry. Time to get the hell out of here."

Bea looked at Jakob. "I don't remember you stooping so low when it came to your associates." Bea commented, crossing her arms. "Real piece of work that guy. What stick is shoved up his ass, a royal one? Lots of diamonds, ribbed maybe?"

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